Ad on page

So today when I open a new forum, an ad appears in the lower right corner of my iPad, covering the test. This is when my iPad is in landscape position. If I turn it to portrait, the ad reduces in size and goes where it belongs on the right side.


I’ve notified our ad partner so they can track down the rogue ad… hopefully they’ll get it fixed soon!

I thought we stayed signed in if we used the site often enough…which I’m sure I meet the bar for. Today I had to sign in…why?

Adding…when not signed in, the ad was HUGE, took up most of the screen and was a video of some sort. In my opinion, this would be a big turn off for folks considering this site. They would have no way to know that the ads reduce in size and don’t take up the whole screen if they are logged into an account.


The ACT ad that is a backdrop on the main page of the forum is extremely distracting. I’ll log off until it is removed.

@CC_Mike I’ve had the same issue on the IPad since the password reset. Screenshot:

@Lindagaf @thumper1 our ad partner made a change to block one of the advertisers that might be doing it (hard to say since it only appears randomly). Please refresh your browser and let me know if you still see it happening.

Nope. I just took this screenshot. The first was from yesterday, this one is from just now. Looks like ATT is the culprit?

Argh - ok reported. Thanks!

@CC_Mike here is the ad this morning. The odd thing…it appears when I’m using my iPad in landscape mode but if I turn to portrait, it reduces to the right size and I can go back to landscape.

But as you can see…until I do my iPad gymnastics…this is what it looks like. And it’s ATT, I think.

I had the exact same thing, same ad.

Thanks for the reports - I’m trying to give the ad partner as much info as possible so this is helpful.


From just now. It went away when I went to portrait mode on my iPad…and came right back! As you can see…this blocks the text.

Here is a better pic…ATT on Demand. And Mosquito Squad.


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I have had persistent trouble with the same ATT ad. Yesterday it blocked 2/3 of my iPad screen and I could not get it to disappear, so I had to close CC.

It is May 8. Why is the ACT ad about the May 7 deadline still there?

And why does the ACT banner at the top block things…and then the BIG ACT thing that blocks the whole page until you X it out??

Just letting you know…the ad thing is getting worse instead of better. I used to be able to make it go away and it stayed away while I was on the forum. NOW it keeps popping up again and again and again…

I’m pretty patient but this is ridiculous.

Just letting you know…it’s still there…and it’s a video! @CC_Mike

ARGH - we had blocked an advertiser we thought was doing this so we’ll have to keep going through the list. Our ad partner will keep trying to replicate and we’ll go through the list and keep blocking until the offender goes away.

I honestly don’t care about ads that are on the right or left…but this one blocks the text. That is the issue.

Isn’t there some way for you folks to restrict the placement of ads from your end? Just get this thing to not block the text boxes. Get the ad over on the side where it belongs. No need to block it, unless they are hacking your system and determining the wrong placement for this ad themselves.

Am I making sense?

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