add schools to fafsa

how to we go about adding a couple schools to fafsa? I ran out of room the first time we did fafsa. Can I go back?

After it processes (sometimes it happens immediately, sometimes takes 2 days) you can go back in and delete some schools and add the new school numbers.

Add those new schools…and submit again!

To clarify (for me):

  1. Fill out FAFSA for first time, including up to 10 schools.

  2. A day or two later, FAFSA notifies me the application has been successfully processed.

  3. I enter the application again, REMOVE the 10 schools I entered in step #1, add up to 10 new schools, and enter.


Is this correct? I think I understand that this is correct, but I want to make sure the first 10 schools won’t be somehow voided because of my ignorance.


do you have to delete all of the previous schools before you add any?

It seems odd, but yes you do. Remove all the schools you listed the first time, add the new schools, adjust the housing options to fit your needs, and submit again.

I did it Friday and today and it worked. The schools from my first go around are just today marking my FAFSA received on the portals, so I know that are going through fine.

We are having trouble removing all ten schools. Does anyone know, if you don’t delete a school, do they receive the fafsa twice?

I think the school will receive your FAFSA as many times as you have it listed when you send your FAFSA.

What trouble are you having removing the schools? I’ve done it more than once and had no trouble. I click “remove” and the school disappears from the list.