Hello! I was hoping that some of you could provide your thoughts on my chances of admission to UIUC based on the provided information. My ACT is a 29, with the highest subscores being: 35 (English,) 34 (Reading,) 26 (Math,) 24 (Science.) All of said subscores are from the same exam except reading, which is from an earlier exam. My cumulative GPA is a 3.94. I have made A’s in every class in high school thus far. My school does not offer a wide array of AP courses; however I have been able to take AP Psychology, AP European History, and AP US Government & Politics (the first two I am currently taking; the last one was a junior course. I scored a 4 on the AP US Gov test.) In addition, I have taken or am taking the following dual credit courses: US History 108/109, English 100/200, and Spanish 101/102. In terms of honors/accelerated courses, I’ve taken pre-calculus and accelerated world civilizations (world history.) I am as of yet uncertain of my exact class rank; however I was selected for Junior Honor Guard, meaning that I rank at least the top 10% of my class and am on track to graduate with either Honors or High Honors.
Regarding extracurriculars, honors, awards, etc: I do have an array of each. I am the Class Historian, the founder of my school’s chapter of Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society as well as its Allen C. Guelzo Chair of History, a Past Master Councilor (President) of an Order of DeMolay chapter, a member of the Kentucky Historical Society Teen Leadership Committee, among other activities and volunteer work.
The following is a provisional list of items for the application’s Honors & Recognition section:
“2015 Lincoln Forum Scholarship
2015 Lincoln Colloquium Scholarship
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
Medallion of Academic Excellence
Certificate of Academic Excellence
DeMolay Merit Bar of Civic Service
DeMolay Merit Bar of Masonic Service
DeMolay Merit Bar of Scholastics
DeMolay Merit Bar of Attendance
DeMolay Merit Bar of Fine Arts
Representative DeMolay Award
Appointment as Chair of River Cities Research Commission
Class of 2016 Distinguished Leader Award
Appointment to Kentucky DeMolay Association Jurisprudence Committee
Junior Honor Guard for Commencement Exercises
Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program Finalist
Kentucky Boys State
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Honor Cadet Ribbon
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Outstanding Naval Science I Ribbon
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Exemplary Conduct Ribbon
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Exemplary Personal Appearance Ribbon
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet of the Week Award
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Appointment as 1st Platoon Squad Leader
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Promotion to Petty Officer 3rd Class
Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Naval Science I Star
DeMolay Induction into Order of Knighthood
Selection for Kentucky Historical Society Teen Leadership Committee
Election as Class Historian
1st Place, Spanish II Category, Marshall University SCORES Academic Festival
Made provisional member of Illinois State Historical Society
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Foundation National Associate
Featured in newspaper article for Save the National Civil War Museum/ISM campaign
Featured for Lincoln Forum scholarship in piece by BCHS Broadcast Journalism
Paper, ‘Perpetual Disunion: The American Civil War and its Sociopolitical Implications’ published by Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site”
I intend to number each and provide a very brief description. This list is just an unorganized version for your viewing.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I am not a resident of Illinois if that makes a difference. I have however been involved in the Save the Illinois State Museum campaign and am a scholarship recipient to Lincoln Colloquium in Lincoln, IL.
My first choice major is history, and my second choice is classics.
Based on this information, what would you estimate are my chances? Thank you for any answers/advice!