Admission conditions for Indian students...

I got accepted into Purdue University for CS class of 2019. Is this conditional or non conditional?

When I was going through this website, they said that Indian students (which I am one of) require 60% in all subjects for consideration of admission. Does this prevail once you are accepted? The CBSE Math Board exam was a total disaster for everyone. So I’m not certain of what I’ll get in it. I am confident I’ll get 80-95% in the other subjects…

Please help me here…

Sorry but I need to know this…

“For consideration of admission” probably means that it only matters at the time they review your application for admission. Since you’ve already been admitted, it shouldn’t matter

BTW, what was your stats?

@satara 1860 in SAT, 800 in Math2, 760 Chem, 740 Phy, 108 TOEFL, 3.5 GPA (11th standard) and loads of ECs.

@Dhruv97 Could an offer be rescinded because of a fall in marks in one exam. I’ve gotten quite good marks in Maths in all my previous exams…

This particular exam from CBSE was very badly made; It heavily deviated from the normal pattern and had much harder questions than what they promised they would put… Will the admission office consider this? Many papers and journals have also written articles on this…

No, they will not rescind your acceptance for exams. They only would do this if you have failed your classes, have had criminal charges since your decision, or anything of the sort. Low marks on exams shouldn’t be a problem

Dude I am worried about the same thing. Though my maths is decent, I mean like near 90 infact as I had prepared my JEE, my chemistry might drop from 91 to 65-70. Should I be worried?

@TheJayRocker How did you calculate your 11th grade GPA? My scores are similar to yours and I’m applying to Purdue for fall 2016. And do they look at your 9th grade marks as well?