Admission Counsellors in Delhi

<p>I started the applications and essays for the colleges about a week back.
Initially, I had planned to take no help from any counsellor since my sister is well aware of the SATs, essays and application stuff as she herself did all this for graduate school admissions in US.</p>

<p>But now, the more I read about applying to colleges, the more I feel it's better to have an counsellor to help especially to sort out college that match my profile and help in other application related material.</p>

<p>Does anyone here know about a good Counselling agency or counsellor I can see in Delhi ( NCR ). I heard of this 'Jamboree' and will be contacting it tomorrow. Apart from this, any other advice related to counsellors or info about any counsellors ?
Please Reply if u know of any ...
Thank you ...</p>

<p>None of us are going to suggest counselors for you.</p>

<p>Haha. Do you remember that counselor who kept sending his students to CC to recommend him?</p>

<p>Don’t write his name here. But that was funny.</p>

<p>EDIT: Don’t go to J****ree.</p>

<p>CC is the best counselor IMO LOL</p>

<p>no need for any counsellor friend it is waste of money this link of us news website will help in sorting and finding universities according to your need a lot of info is provided like majors offered,cost,student population etc.[Best</a> Colleges - Education - US News](<a href=“]Best”> good luck</p>

<p>Now that I think about it, if you need aid, going to an experienced counselor is not a bad idea.</p>

<p>Only for aid?</p>

<p>Or if you’re extremely ignorant and/or want to apply to other countries too.</p>

<p>Nah. No counselor for me then B-)</p>

So this is and old thread, but I was searching for admissions counselors in New Delhi and stumbled across it. Anyway anriudha (and CC in general) what the heck? Why is everyone so terribly rude when anyone even dares to ask about a college counselor?

Look there are all kinds of college counselors and firms out there. Some are absolute swindlers who couldn’t care less about their students whiles others are dedicated professionals who work with 30-40 students at a time and really care about their success. Are the latter often very expensive? Certainly, but no one is insisting that a student needs to have a counselor to succeed. Their services are for those who can afford it, obviously.

You might point out that students have access to all of the information they need for free. The same is true form the New SAT which is supported by Khan Academy. Yet many students are still going to benefit greatly from working with a tutor who can guide them through that material. What’s so different about a college counselor.

In conclusion, wouldn’t it be more helpful to offer practical advice concerning counselors? CC is obviously not the forum for advertising specific counselors, but lets at least try and give some helpful general information.

So, to get back to the question at hand, a good place to start looking for a good counselor is to check to make sure that they are members of at least one of the three counseling accreditation groups: OACAC (Overseas Association for College Admissions Counseling), NACAC (National Association of College Admissions Counseling), and IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association).