<p>Why is UCF taking foreverrrrrr to give an admission decision back? I mean im wondering how many of you guys have applied to ucf and havent found out yet for the summer 2011 term? I applied on October 7th and i STILL havent gotten an answer from them...it says that they have gotten everything..transcripts, test scores..etc. They operate on a rolling admission and they say it usually takes 2-6 weeks...but its been over two months already.... my friend applied during the summer and he still hasnt found out either....do you guys think we will find out before the holidays? cuz i highly doubt that they are gonna give an admission decision during the winter break..i dont even think they work....so that means we wouldnt find out till January..? Thats soo long. Are any of you on the same admission status?</p>
<p>I’m waiting also. I applied like Oct. 26th. People have mentioned that they accept all of the really strong applicants first and then the rest. I have friends that have gotten accepted who had high stats, so I guess that is what they’re doing. I wish they would hurry up though :/</p>
<p>I applied to the summer term in like August and just found out 2 days ago. I had been emailing them back and forth a lot because it was taking forever. I was originally deferred because of my sat/act scores, but since the next test dates are a while away i told them I didn’t plan on taking it again in an email and to give me a final decision. I was accepted like 2 hours after asking for a final decision</p>
<p>Tdallas, how did you find out…on the portal? If so where? My D’s portal just says “If you have submitted…it is being reviewed.” Is that screen where she will find out?</p>
<p>That’s awesome Tdallas! And initially what did you say when you emailed ? I wonder if I should? I won’t give them an ultimatum but what did yea you say? And mine says the same thing Sunni</p>
<p>@sunni68: you find out on the the portal on that page and then they send you the letter like a week after. thats the same screen. go to student self service, undergraduate admissions, then application status. </p>
<p>@Maydayparade: I basically asked what can I do to the get accepted. I know i’ve been deferred for better test scores, but then i wont know for at least another month. she said if i dont plan on taking it again to send her an email with name and pid saying i dont plan on taking it and to have a final decision. she responded back like 2 hours later saying a decision has been made and to check the portal. YOu should email them, it cant hurt.</p>
<p>Tdallas0921- what was your ACT score? if you dont mind sharing</p>
<p>i took it once and got a 21. I didnt really study or have a tutor for it. it probably wouldnt of made a difference anyways.</p>
<p>yeahh i havent found out yet from them…but i have a good gpa a 3.7 and a 3.5 academic core…but i got a 19 on my act i know its really bad…ill probably get deferred and possibly rejected…ugh. i hate standardized tests</p>
<p>Are you planning on going for sure?</p>
<p>If you have been deferred and have not sent in your scores to show improvements, don’t ‘demand’ a final answer. That will most likely just lead them to rejecting you.</p>
<p>Btw, studying, or should I say, practicing for the SAT/ACT does help!</p>
<p>tdallas: what was your cum gpa?</p>
<p>MaydayParade what are ur stats?</p>
<p>@ Adreina42 they are bad. Well my math is horrendous .
CR 560, W 540, M 360 . UW GPA like a 3.7 at least a 3.6, W 4.8
As you can see math is my problem.</p>
<p>I applied for Summer 2011. I have low SAT scores - 560 reading 480 math and 610 writing and a 4.4w and 3.78uw. I applied to the school and they got all my stuff on a Monday, and I found out that same Thursday. This was also in October. I would call them or check the website to see if you’re missing anything.</p>
<p>I checked the website and it says that they got my transcripts and test scores and everythng. Im not misssng anything… i think the problem is my ACT score… i took it threee times and the highest score i got was a 19 i know its bad…but i have a decent gpa…Weighted- 3.8…and academc core - 3.5…i have a bunch of extracurriculars…etc…but whats screwing me up is the ACT score
But honestly, they should just make a decision… i mean its not that hard to just say deffered, accepted, or rejected.</p>
<p>did you get in ufucfbound?</p>
<p>^^^ I saw her post on another thread and she has been accepted to UCF.</p>
<p>I’m sure if your a hard working student you should get in! Test score can’t really meant the world to them can they?</p>
<p>yes mayday parade, I got in (:</p>