Admission Rescinded?

<p>A friend of mine was all set to go to Tulane on a scholarship. That is until she got a D in one of her classes in her last semester of high school. She is extremely distressed now and is unsure what is going to happen next. Do you guys have any ideas of what to expect?</p>

<p>This is a tough one, especially without more information. Why the D? What were the rest of her grades? Still, no matter what the answers to these questions, it is better if she is upfront and honest with the school, and takes responsibility. I mean if there really is something that made it “not her fault” (you know what I mean) then she should explain that. If it was just senioritis, that will not be good, but at least it would be honest. If it is something in between, then it is what it is, and she should take the appropriate level of ownership.</p>

<p>I certainly doubt they would rescind her admission. The scholarship is harder to say. But again, it is probably better if she is proactive here, if for no other reason than she doesn’t stay awake nights worrying about it. If she is going to an orientation session, then in person is always better than on the phone. She should make an appointment with her admissions officer or whomever can help her the most.</p>

<p>Schools have a mindset that most people are not aware of, which is that once you are admitted they have an “investment” in you in different ways. They want you to come, and once you have started they want you to stay. Obviously if you commit a felony or something that is a different circumstance, but short of that kind of thing they will not be quick to pull the trigger for what is in reality a bump in the road, not a showstopper. In short, they really are on your side for the most part.</p>