Admission stats

I’ve been looking at some of the stats students posted on the 2019, 2020, and 2021 stats thread, and I couldn’t help but notice how many more girls were posting, and how much more often did boys have more acceptances. Is it an actual trend or a coincidence? Do more girls apply to schools than boys?

Interesting question. I think more girls post on the forum than boys. When DS applied, it seems there were mainly boy mom posters on the forum at that time. There was a good mix this year of parents of boys and girls IMO, this year.

I don’t think this forum represents the total demographic of applicants, but more represents the demographic of those more likely to post on a forum such as this.


Girls definitely do more obsessive internet research.

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The posters on this forum are not a representative subset of BS applicants or their parents. Most parents here are female.


I don’t remember where I read this, and therefore am probably wrong, but I recall seeing somewhere that there are more bs female applicants than male. I remember it, because I was surprised- I would think parents would be more reluctant to send young girls off alone to school.

But there are more women in college now, and they do better academically, so there’s probably something to it. Girls as a group just might be more interested in school these days. That was certainly the case with kiddo’s cohort in middle school. Almost all the high performers were girls.


While I find that surprising too, 14 year old girls are, on average, more mature and independent than boys so maybe they are more likely to consider BS at that age. (even more discrepant at 12/13 when the process starts).

I, too, think the list is more likely to represent the relative willingness of posters to share their data.

My 8th grade son has no idea about this forum, nor would it interest him. Girls I know would be more interested.