Admissions Corner: Get Your Questions Answered by a Former Stanford Admissions Officer

I’m sorry I misread your reply; the 3.0 is for my freshman and sophomore years.

Sounds like you’re on a good track as a freshman: Emerging points of excellence with Band, Eagle Scout, and Robotics. For an MIT, you’ve got to talk those to the next level though–especially the Robotics. MIT has a helpful page on EC’s:

Specifically the “Enrichment” and “Summer programs” pages on their site will outline all the big time Olympiads, competitions, summer courses that you would want to do to take your big swing. Prep for MIT, and you’ll land at GTech no problem.


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Hi @anon45019500, I wanted to ask about my chances at Yale University. I am a high-school junior at a private college preparatory school; I have not yet taken the ACT but in practices I get 32-34. I have already taken AP French (4) and self-studied for AP European History (5) and I’m currently AP US History, English Honors, and self-studying for AP Italian. As a senior, I will take AP Statistics, AP English Literature, World History Honors/Art History Honors, and French Literature Honors. I currently have a 3.98 GPA (unweighted.)

As for school extracurriculars, I will likely be the Editor-in-Chief of my school’s world language literary magazine as a senior; I am currently the Head Italian Editor and Head Design Editor. Outside of school, I work at my local bookstore part-time and I am the assistant festival planner for an annual book festival in my hometown, which sees around 20,000+ guests per year.

I will have recommendations from a French teacher who has known me for three years (and under whom I have won 3 gold medals in the National French Contest), a school-provided college counselor, and a beloved English teacher. I am confident in my essay-writing abilities as well for the common app (I am a humanities kid through and through.)

I plan to study comparative literature. Do I have a chance at Yale EA for the class of '26?

My best answer: depends on the quality of the extra letter. You might not have that info. But if it’s a short, winner? I wouldn’t mind as an AO. I’d think, “well, yeah I get it–it’s an extremely good letter; or it validates this big activity he did with the only outside non-teacher mentor who could do it.”

Then again, I’m not sure if that AO will be able to identify that letter as the optional one. I guess I picked up on it when it was two teachers and then one or two non-teacher folks. So, I think I’m saying–if you have 4 great letters go for it.

But if you’re not sure–yes, default rule is you’re going to annoy an admission reader by going beyond the application requirements if you have 4 long, general, bad letters.

Is that helpful? I’m not sure. It really depends on your reader, so it’s a toss up if you haven’t gotten to interact with them and make a read on their personality. Some readers are laid back, others are sticklers.


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Keeping it 100 with you: that’s going to be very hard for the single-digit schools. But–if there’s a counselor or office out there’s that going to embrace an upward trend student–it’s def. someone like you who has this obvious change: an international move. Most AOs know that lots of int. schools do not grade inflate like the US. That’s the most candid answer I can offer.

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I have lots of advice on all those topics. Be more specific if you can.

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I think that my main question at the moment is :
How can I write my essays so that it stands out, catches the attention of the admission officer and he has a great time reading it ???

Hi @anon45019500. Thank you so much for your advice. I have recently been admitted to the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania under Early Decision plan. I got a full-ride financial aid package as well! : )

Congrats! Happy anything I said helped. But you earned it for four years.


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Big post. Let me get back to you on that one. I want to articulate my essay philosophy in full. I’ve been seeing awful, unhelpful advice on the College Essays Tips To Consider thread. I want to give you all a smart, fresh, thoughtful take.



Yeah sure, take the time and until then it’s better that I brainstorm for more ideas and plan for writing.
Hoping to hear back from you soon.:blush:

Yes, thank you this is great. I really appreciate it :slight_smile: Have a great day!