Admissions notification

<p>Does anyone know if Virginia Tech is serious about waiting until December 15th to notify you of early decision or if this is just the last day they will notify you? I've seen stuff about them notifying earlier, but I'm not sure.</p>


<p>They are serious. You may find out on the 12th of Dec., but you are not going to find out on Nov 15th.</p>

<p>The RD decision comes down in waves, with a drop dead date. I think last yr it was about 3 weeks, starting at the end of Feb., and ending in late March. It really appeared that they dribbled out until that official date where they released all of the results.</p>

<p>Trust me, this board will light up like a christmas tree on fire when the results are released. You won’t miss it.</p>

<p>As bulletandpima said, I think my son’s notification date was around Dec. 11-12 for early decision (h.s. class of 2009).</p>

<p>Based on the calender this year, bnp is right, 12/12 is going to be a decent target date…it’s a Monday.</p>

<p>Actually, if I recall last yr they start the release on a Friday night @ 6 p.m.</p>

<p>I just looked up the date for the accepted notices, and it was a Saturday, before people started to post. I would take the leap the earliest you will be notified is Dec. 10th after close of business.</p>

<p>You have a long time…approximately 2 months.</p>