<p>hey im planning to take the sat 2 biology e/m on jan 24, alhtough i turned in my apps on jan 1st.</p>
<p>would johns hopkins ignore my score for lateness???</p>
<p>hey im planning to take the sat 2 biology e/m on jan 24, alhtough i turned in my apps on jan 1st.</p>
<p>would johns hopkins ignore my score for lateness???</p>
<p>…have you already taken SAT II’s and sent them, or are these your first? If they’re your firsts, then that might be an issue. Supplemental scores can always been sent, I believe. I don’t know if they will be looked at.</p>
<p>[Hopkins</a> Undergraduate Admissions :: Apply :: Deadlines and Requirements](<a href=“http://apply.jhu.edu/apply/deadlines.html#rd]Hopkins”>http://apply.jhu.edu/apply/deadlines.html#rd)</p>
Latest date to take standardized tests”</p>
<p>Just as a side note, AdmissionsDaniel prefers that posters do not post threads entitled “AdmissionsDaniel…” Just name the subject of your inquiry instead. Thought I’d let you know for future reference.</p>
<p>^^^ I was just about to point that out too! And to answer your question, I do believe that december was the deadline for test-taking so I don’t think that they will accept this.</p>
<p>well i can need an accurate answer
before i cancel my test
<p>the link states explicitly that the latest date to take standardized tests is December.</p>
<p>Read Admissions<em>Daniel’s latest blog entry: [Hopkins Insider: New Year … Same FAQs](<a href=“http://hopkins.typepad.com/hopkins”>http://hopkins.typepad.com/hopkins</a></em>insider/2009/01/new-year-same-faqs.html) </p>
<p>interesting. I wish i had known this before. Then again it probably wouldn’t have made much difference</p>
<p>well that setttles it lol
i’ll take it in case if there is still time for them to consider</p>
<p>Wow, that Hopkins Insider blog really has some helpful information. I think in the future when I have questions about Hopkins Admissions I might go there first. Or maybe those Hopkins Forums ([Hopkins</a> Forums](<a href=“Hentai 44 - Hentai porn”>Hentai 44 - Hentai porn)) I have heard so much about.</p>
<p>Thanks again tanman.</p>