@JBStillFlying in posts # 195 and #200:
I am puzzled by your tone and your assertions. You contend that, essentially, I’m “spinning” a “little narrative” about the connection between wealth and ED at Chicago, and you use your anecdotal experiences to “put a pin in the bubble that is [my] little narrative.”
Belittling as your words may be - to take a step back, I care little if the boost in wealth comes from the ED or RD rounds. I just care that the boost in wealth is happening.
Would it make you feel better if ED really was a more egalitarian, need-based crowd, and Nondorf used RD to get the wealthy prep kids?
Also, true to form, @HydeSnark is able to pull data quickly (much more quickly than I ever could), and it all seems to corroborate - both anecdotally and quantifiably - that Chicago is becoming a less egalitarian place, with a high percentage of full pay kids.
Note, this may not be drastic over the short term - but over a longer term, it’s a fairly profound shift for the college. It clearly has more prep/wealthy students than ever before. And, judging from the way Chicago frames the receptions/donor events I’ve attended (i.e., inviting parents of current students to donate - which I find to be rich, especially if these parents were cash-strapped!), the goal is not just immediate tuition revenue, but longer-term connection with these kids and their families.
Again, JBStill - I’m just confused. Are you arguing that Chicago is a more need-based, egalitarian student population than its peers? ALL the data we have - outside from your few anecdotal conversations - flies in the face of that. A huge chunk of the class is full pay. A huge chunk of the class comes from fancy elite prep schools which generally offer little financial aid.
(Btw, I also take issue with your assertion that I’ve talked to “ZERO” families - again, at all the receptions I’ve attended - local they may be - my impressions line up with hydesnark’s observations.)
Has hydesnark - with all the qualitative and quantitative info offered - provided the “real clarity” you’re looking for?
Finally, I have to agree with snark - you’ve picked a really weird hill to die on.