Admit Weekend- When is it and...

<p>is there more than one?</p>

<p>april 23-25</p>


<p>If you can’t make those dates though, they do offer for you to attend a different weekend and have some similar Admit Weekend activities set up.</p>

<p>Yeah, they’ll even try to set you up with a student host to stay with if you come on dates other than AW.</p>

<p>Will they pay the airfare if you go another time other than admit weekend?</p>

<p>^Yes, you can use your travel grant, but contact your admissions counselor for more information. </p>

<p>I contacted Ms. Karen Ransom, my admissions counselor, on the same issue, and she said “Thanks so much for checking in about your travel grant. Yes, you can use it to come earlier than admit weekend. All the same rules apply.” </p>

<p>Fortunately, I can now attend Admit Weekend so I don’t need to worry about this :)</p>