Admitted students at UW-Madison, please read.

<p>I'm very interested in going to Madison, and I was just wondering if anyone who was accepted there could reply with their stats (GPA, extracurriculars, ACT/SAT scores, etc..), just so I could get some kind of an idea of the type of students they want. </p>


<p>There are at least two threads just below from which you can glean this kind of information.</p>

<p>Hi bjj144,
I got my acceptance letter for UW-Madison a few weeks ago, and I was biting my nails for months about the whole thing for months before that. Needless to say, I know how you feel. </p>

<p>My GPA was mediocre: 86.7 (unweighted) </p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Vice President of a club at my school that specializes in promoting girls’ education, have volunteered at an underprivileged school for years, a lot of other volunteer work…</p>


-I go to a preforming arts school and have three music classes every day for four years. -I’ve interned at an advertising agency (because that’s what I want to pursue).
-Last year I went abroad through a Belgian- Immersion program for a few months</p>

<p>I hope this helps.</p>

<p>The best of luck to you!</p>