Admitted to UNC...deadline to enroll is 5/16. USC notification is 6/1...what do i do?

<p>I got into UNC and am really excited to go there. I also applied to USC, and would prefer USC over UNC...however their notification is "before 6/1". What do i do if i dont hear back from them before the UNC deposit date? Can i deposit and then withdraw if i get into USC?</p>

<p>Put your deposit down for UNC and proceed as if you’re going to UNC. You might have to lose money, but if you don’t get into USC, then you’re set for UNC.</p>

<p>Right now, ask UNC for an extension on the deadline and ask USC for an early read.</p>

<p>If they say no, you can accept UNC and give them the deposit. If USC later accepts you, you can forfeit your deposit. This isn’t kosher for fr admissions, but since transfer admissions are not standardized, there’s not much else you can do.</p>

<p>I’m actually in the same situation, but I’m paying my UNC deposit this week. I thought about waiting more, but I don’t want to register for classes late. If I get into USC, then I’ll go there! =) its so worth the 250$</p>

<p>I was actually in the same situation. Got into UNC last week, and was wondering what to do since I hadn’t heard from USC yet. After some research, I decided to go with UNC. Though they are both great schools, I think UNC wins. Take into account that UNC is also much cheaper, even if you are out of state. Honestly USC were to offer me a better FA package than UNC, not a chance I’d go there.</p>

<p>Either way, go ahead and put down the $200 deposit. No offence, but if you’re able to pay the tuition at USC, I don’t think putting down a $200 deposit for UNC should be a big issue.</p>

<p>Follow KevAquarius and entomom’s advice.</p>

<p>First, ask USC for an early read. If they say yes, great. If they say no, oh well.</p>

<p>Next, ask UNC for an extension at least until your USC date (early read date or 6/1). If they say yes, great. If they say no, deposit at UNC.</p>

<p>When your USC admissions letter comes, decide what school you like better. If it’s UNC, you’ve already deposited and you have no worries. If it’s USC, you call UNC admissions and let them know that you are withdrawing your acceptance if you have already deposited. You’ll lose your deposit but in the long run $200 is nothing.</p>