Ads won't close out

Yesterday I needed to shut down my phone and after powering it back up, I haven’t had a single problem. :woman_shrugging: I probably just jinxed myself.

I tried that. No luck :frowning:

Did you shut down or just restart? I shut mine down. Until this just started happening a few days ago, I always saw these threads about ad problems but never had any. I’m on a very old iPhone 8? I think.

What the ****? I didn’t have any ads for 24 hours, then I post here and now the videos are back! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Time to pull out my tin foil hat.

Interestingly enough, after I posted on this thread yesterday, the ads went away. But then came back today. I switched over to Edge and so far, no ads…

What is edge and how do I get it?

edge is microsoft. We shouldn’t search engines. They should fix the problem!

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I was getting ads in Duck Duck Go this morning before I switched over to Edge.

No ads this morning, yay. Last night was really bad.

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This morning ads have been non-stop for me (using Chrome on android phone).

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@CC_Jon - I’ve hit a new low this morning - ad header, ad footer, and the video playing on the middle left. The footer “x” to close out the ad is not appearing on my screen depending on the ad (although it was in the ad that I screen shotted).

Edited to add that now, my notifications aren’t working properly. I have a blue number indicating a new post but there are none to review.

Here’s the screen shot:

It happens on and off for me. It’s frustrating because often when I try to hit the “x” to close the ad, even when I’m careful, I miss and the ad opens up.


Started seeing ads pop up yesterday every time I opened a new thread using Chrome on my iPhone. I’m not having this problem on my iPad.

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On a secondary wide screen monitor the ads aren’t an issue, but I can imagine how disruptive they’d be on a phone.

No issues on my iPhone and Safari, but I am experiencing the ad annoyances on Surface with Chrome. Now I get why you all are so frustrated!

yes i am getting tons of pop ups and they are SO annoying

Extremely irritating on an iphone


Equally irritating on android phone :frowning:

Are you closer to solving this - or will this be the “new normal”? @CC_Jon


Today it’s nonstop. You close one down and another annoying video appears.



WHEN WILL IT STOP?!?!!?!!?! Please fix this!