Ads won't close out

For the past few days the ads are popping up on the bottom every time I change a page. How do we stop this? Makes it almost impossible to read, especially on the ipad.

Still happening……

@CC_Jon does anyone read this area of this forum…or is it the dead letter file. I posted another issue a few weeks ago in Community Forum and Issues…and never got a response at all.

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I don’t have an iPad, but I can use developer tools to simulate it. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem sufficient for me to reproduce the problem. Maybe a screenshot would help?

Video ads pop up and won’t close out – using android phone.

I am getting tons of pop up video ads for the first time ever. I can close them though. iPhone.

I am as well, despite having a pop up blocker. I can close them but they reappear as soon as I click on a new thread.

@CC_Jon now that the threads have been merged, can you see the screenshots? Here’s another

Seems to be resolved for me. Fingers crossed.

Not for
Me :frowning:

I too am getting video ads for the first time ever on an iPhone. Very frustrating.


I take it back…pop-ups still an issue.

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I just got a Lexus popup video ad, the same as pictured above.

And an ad at the bottom, full side-to-side for the Nature Conservancy. Then a Prime and an Alexa ad.

And then a Novartis popup video ad.

It’s literally nonstop for me on my laptop.

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It’s constant on my iPhone.

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I am having this particular issue today.

In general, the constant ads are driving me nuts. And I have an ad blocker on. I thought if you were logged in you weren’t supposed to see ads??


Same here. This is the first time I’ve had this issue. Very annoying.

Same here on my phone. Identical to @sushiritto ’s screen shots.

Just started happening to me, too

Same for me, too.

Can you give us an update as to when this will be fixed??? Its really annoying!