Ads getting in the way on iOS

Not sure what a screenshot will show. B ut I’ll attach one. The issue is that EVERY time I change a page a new ad shows up on the bottom and I have to close it again. EVERY TIME. Its difficult to read or type with this continually happening

and now it’s starbucks!

And now some state farm ad

I usually use an iPad for Cc.

I do get the ads at the bottom, but I don’t find them annoying. They don’t stop me from reading and if I want to type, the x on the ad makes it go away instantly, so to me, it’s negligible action. I feel the ads are tolerable now, whereas before they would block half the screen.

I get that CC needs advertisers. I feel I can live with this level of advertising. Also, thinking back to how many problems there used to be, I rarely get 50x errors any more.

Every now and then, the text I am typing isn’t lining up with the text displayed in my text box. I have to refresh or close CC. I will be sure to take a screenshot next time that happens.

My ipad is in a keyboard, and these constant ads make it almost impossible to post something as it covers up the “reply” and “close” tabs.

If I hit reply, as I did now, my text box and keyboard pops up immediately so I don’t have that issue. You have the separate keyboard right?

Yes I have a separate keyboard. But ironically, right now the ads are gone!!

And now all the emoticons and options to edit a post or attach a photo are gone…… so I can’t attach a photo!!

It’s fixed now but looked like this:

For what it’s worth, I’m continuing to have issues with ads. It’s worse on my cell phone as closing an ad out, automatically launches the ad instead.


My text box gets hidden by the ad and the minimized keyboard

And now… the ads are on my ipad but not on the computer!!

Thanks for the screenshots! I’m passing this feedback onto the developers. I think a particularly helpful detail is that you are using a physical keyboard.

And I checked both microsoft edge and Google chrome. No ads right now

Even when I disconnect the keyboard the ads are still there. And hard to see what I am trying to post.

Testing without the external keyboard.

The ads are less intrusive without the keyboard. But I much prefer to use the keyboard.

You shouldn’t have to disconnect the keyboard. It’s just helpful to know that the user interface doesn’t mesh well with keyboards. Thanks for testing!

Will there be a fix? It’s a real challenge. And why are ads on ios but not the my PC?

Oh dear g-d no! Now ads on top and videos in the middle of the screen?? Make it stop!

@CC_Jon - Now I have two ads - one on the bottom and now a video playing in the middle of the left of my screen. They pop back up every time I go to a new post.

lol I just posted the same thing, @momofboiler1 ! This is a hot mess. And on my phone the ads are on top and in the middle)

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