Ads won't close out

Like thumper, I’m having no problems on my iPad (no ad blocker) or MacBook (adblocker). Don’t use my phone generally.

I do understand that the revenue CC makes from ads is necessary to their survival. I also understand some find it bothersome. It’s a fine line, no?

Not sure how CC’s traffic numbers are, but as far as I can tell the vast majority of students are on Reddit A2C, and have been for a while (I don’t think that was because of ads). I also remember one disparaging CC post from a well known college AO who said she basically won’t be posting here anymore, and that wasn’t because of ads.

I have switched to using safari on my ipad (I was using google) and there are no ads on safari. Whew.

I spoke too soon. The video showed up when using safari. I had to close out and reopen in safari to get it to stop.

Yeah, I’ve been using safari all along and still have the ads :frowning:


Please please please…put Community Forum and Issues on the main page under FAQ here. We shouldn’t have to do a search to post about community and forum issues. It should be easy to find. It USED to be here. You can see…it isn’t any longer.

@CC_Jon @CC_Sorin @CC_Mike

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I almost never get ads. I use Safari.

this is safari

Mine looks like yours.

I haven’t seen an ad yet today. What internet provider do people have? I use Xfinity. I have no ad blockers on my iPad.

Xfinity for me too.

I checked, the ads are placed in IFRAMEs. It’s possible that some providers are blocking certain domain names, or at least specific script URLs, because they are known ad-sources and bandwidth-hogs.

That would at least explain why some are not even aware of the site’s issues.

From a technical standpoint, the site is a hot mess. While you are quietly reading a page, the site is constantly running scripts, excessively loading additional content, running more scripts – burning through bandwidth and system resources.

Worst of it, none of their contractors seems to do any QA. It’s just full of inexcusable code errors and exceptions that your browser has to cope with in the background.

This is just a few seconds snapshot - that keeps scrolling constantly:

If these contractors can’t even get their CORS headers and access policies correct, so that their XHR’s will work instead of 410-ing, and not even fix 404’s to needed scripts, then someone is truly slacking (at best).

More likely, the inability of implementing a minimally-intrusive ad placement is just another (more visible) symptom of this entire project generally being beyond their capabilities.


And that’s why I almost exclusively access CC on my iPhone. The drain on resources on my Surface or PC is too frustrating. Plus I do not have the ad issue on iPhone/Safari (correction), but it’s beyond ridiculous on my other options. I don’t love typing longer posts on my iPhone but that’s better than the alternative dealing with ads and poor performance.

Xfinity or AT&T. All a mess.

Ya, what he said. Obviously, a Forestry major. :rofl:

So Thats what is sucking battery life out of my ipad!!!


Does anyone else feel like @DigitalDad has all of our social security numbers and banking information? :rofl:


I’m so glad he can point out these issues that, rather intuitively, always felt obvious to me (or rather, to my computer fan lol), except that I don’t have the expertise to prove it.

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Yes. WHY was it moved? Is it the point that posters NOT be able to find it, so issues can’t be reported? (If you don’t know about an issue, you can’t fix it, right? Of course, on this site even knowing about an issue doesn’t mean it will be fixed.)

Why does this keep happening every so often?

@CC_Jon should respond to you at your level, because you know more than the rest of us. You have pulled some of the curtain from the goings-on behind the scenes, and we thank you, @DigitalDad ! While we are answered with explanations/excuses and promises that “we are working on it,” you will better answers than that.

And just FYI…I am still not getting a little blue number next to my avatar for posts to read…and when I read a post, this site still thinks I haven’t done so.

@CC_Jon @CC_Sorin @CC_Mike

ETA…here is a screen shot of what I’ve gotten at least three times this morning…in a matter of 30 minutes. I don’t even know what happened that went wrong, except not checking off posts/threads I have read.