Ads won't close out

I’m getting lots of 502 errors when I try to edit or flag.

Or try to upload a screenshot of the above


Same for me and my notifications aren’t working. I’m showing two unresolved flags and one unread message but the flags were resolved by other mods and I already the post.

It took me 15 minutes to finally be able to post a response this morning. Also getting 502 error messages.

PS. Of course now it’s working, but I’m concerned that we have a number of kids needed ASAP feedback on essays and we’re having site issues. Not great timing. I had a PM I couldn’t respond to at all.


Well, in goood news, no ads so far on safari this morning!

ETA- Google too! Hope I don’t jinx it.

I have lots of ads on my android phone using Chrome. FWIW the ads are negatively impacting my time on CC.


Please get this fixed. It’s a busy time for students getting ready to submit RD applications. I personally have received a number of messages saying these ads are negatively impacting use on this site.

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon @CC_Sorin


Spoke too soon. The ads are back

Back for me, too. I gingerly manage to X one ad out at the bottom and then another pops up at the top. On my iPhone.

I was going to start a new thread in the cafe - “What Is Your Favorite Video Ad on College Confidential?” But then I realized it would be a short thread.

This problem is driving me nuts. I’ve stopped coming to CC every day. Maybe this will be my nicotine patch that slowly weans me away to real life.

Not that it helps — but that could be an infrastructure problem, e.g. some cloud provider‘s temporary server/network outage, that this site just happens to have gotten caught in.

Hopefully resolving itself rather soon.

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I have reported all these issues to the tech team who is looking for a fix. We are unfortunately working with limited resources during the weekend but will share back once I have updates.

I also passed on your feedback regarding the ads and am waiting for a response.

Thank you and appreciate your patience while we are working to solve this.


I’m taking a look at this. I don’t see any obvious issues with the postgres database that holds the posts (and could account for the 502 errors) or elasticache (which would explain the notifications issues). I’m probably going do redeploy in a bit just to start up all of the images anew.


Do you have any comments/update on the video ad issue?

Sorry. I don’t control the ads.

I did do an update and adjusted a setting that should help the problem with the notifications. I don’t think it would affect the ads.

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When I access CC on my iPad I get the annoying ads in the bottom left corner. if I try to X out the ad, i often hit something else and open up an undesired thread or the actual ad. Plus the screen “jumps” a lot while I am scrolling the thread titles so I often end up hitting the wrong thread.

I don’t seem to get ads on my iPhone though. I don’t like to use that for CC because I hate typing on a phone.

I’m almost afraid to jinx it - but today I’ve yet to see banner ads or videos overlaying the bottom of the screen.

It’s almost eerily quiet - I feel like I should bolt my door.


This topic is blocking the entire right side of my screen and I can’t read any threads or get to any of the features like search, flag, bookmark. I was able to get it off once but when I logged out and back in it came back. There is no X to dismiss it.

Just to confirm, @twoinanddone, there is an option to close the pop up. See below the X on the top right side corner

There is no X or ‘Close’ box on mine. If I click in the area near the X on the photo you showed, it just takes me to this thread. If this box is going to be pinned for a month or two, I won’t be able to use CC.