Advanced forum search issue

The “search” option in the advanced forum search (top of the options in the advanced forum) used to let you put in a keyword to search. So, for example, you could put in an author name and a keyword, and it would find all of that author’s posts where they use that keyword. Now the “search” section is greyed out, and if you try to select it, the only thing it does is move the arrow up and down or pull up an ad. What’s up with this, @CCadmin_Sorin ?

Which platform? Mac Safari and iPhone full site Safari are working correctly.

It was on my iPad. I believe that uses chrome.

iPad Safari is working.

I dont use safari

Right, you said you use Chrome. We’re trying to track down which work and which don’t. Others?

The “Title, Author, Forum and Tags” work. Not the search.

Other members’ platforms?

I think I’m using safari on my iPad. No problem at all. When i go to the advance search…the top box says “search”. I type screennames in there and poof…I get tons of threads.

@jym626 I just did yours this way and got a lot of hits.

Now…the regular search…that’s another story. That takes you off the forum entirely. Very weird.

Nope. Not working for me in the advanced search. Wait- weird. Just got it to work on my iPhone 8, but not my iPad Pro.

Your iPhone probably has safari.

Both have safari. But not as the primary web browser.