<p>Any tips or suggestions for scoring that 5?
Any little thing is welcome. It may be little to you, but might actually be big to me. Thanks! :-)</p>
<p>Well, I took it in 10th grade, and I scored a 4 - and I didn’t really do anything besides actually do the homework that was given to me and read the textbook. The textbook is your best friend, along with your notes. Use them. </p>
<p>5 steps to a 5 is super helpful with the course in general, I’m currently using it with AP World, and its great for clarification. I used it somewhat in APUSH, and I’d definitely recommend it.</p>
<p>I took it in 11th; A and 5. The best thing you can do is simply read the book. If you stay on track (assuming your teacher has the class scheduled around the exam), take decent notes, try doing a free response or two, use a review book (<em>optional</em>), and are confident during the exam, you’ll do fine. Sorry about the long post!</p>
<p>Know the amendments and the bill of rights.
Know all your branches.
Know all the groups that make up the branches and their functions.
Know the history of our government and how it influence our government of today.
Know your terms and use them!</p>
Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it! I’m using 5 steps for a 5 and also crash course. Everybody has been discouraging me and telling me how difficult the test is and the limited time you receive on your essay. I also use crash- coarse ( the smaller one), it helps me refresh my memories before a test. They all say, worry about the small things and the big things will take of it myself. Meaning if i do what i’m supposed to do and score high on regular tests, i should do find on the actual AP exam !
& good luck to you on AP world history :)</p>
Haha! i dont mind long posts, thank you for taking your time to type it for me though; i appreciate it
and for the actual exam, were you under time control? People told me they couldnt finish the essays in time…& i have 2 review books !
so i should do fine
I really want that 5!</p>
<p>@niquii77: thank you!
My cousin told me that if you sparkle your essay with fancy adjectives and vocabulary, it’ll raise your grade!
I’m taking it as a junior in HS and i never took an AP history course before =P</p>
<p>I don’t know if what your cousin said is technically true. It’s good to just keep on writing and don’t stop writing, but you need to write relevant information. </p>
<p>Say you write about…oh I don’t know…how minorities could be overrepresented/underrepresented by a winner take all system versus proportional representation. </p>
<p>Fluffing your response with “sparkly” adjectives won’t get you points. Saying “minorities will be underrepresented by winner take all system because the majority will get 100% representation this reflecting the views of the majority and not the minority” is far better than saying “minority are a group that is less than the majority. They can’t get a word in because the majority’s views outnumber the minorities. In a winner take all system the winner takes all. (Insert a an example if how winners can take all”. </p>
<p>OK. That was a really crappy example, but, hey, I’m dusting cobwebs lol </p>
<p>Basically, your response doesn’t need to be fluffy. You don’t have time. Get to the point. If they want a reason why the executive branch can’t declare war. Tell them. Don’t tell them about the other jobs of the executive branch. You only get points for what they ask. </p>
<p>It’s good to keep on writing about relative information. If they ask for three examples five give them four or five, if you can. They keep reading, looking for answers. So if you gave them four answers when they asked for three and one of them were wrong, you’d still get the points for three examples. </p>
<p>Hope I helped!</p>
I never ran into timing issues. I finished both the multiple choice and essay sections with about fifteen minutes to spare. It’s all a matter of being comfortable with the test and the material. Once you have that down, you’re golden.</p>
<p>I got a 4 on it. I finished my essays around an hour early. And sat there looking out the window where the middle school was having gym.</p>
<p>That awkward moment…when you thought the said US Government.</p>