<p>can you guys who have taken advanced programming practicum give examples of what programs a student is expected to write? I'm trying to see if I can be in this course. Thanks.</p>
<p>15-200 assumes that the student is familiar with arrays, for loops, if/else statements, and basic java classes. If you've taken a programming course before, you should be fine. There are lots of office hours and help hours, which are a great resource if you start assignments reasonable in advance of the deadline. The course as taught by Pattis (majors section) begins with a review of programming concepts, starting at the most basic level, focusing on details that may have been skipped the first time. It's intended to give students a common background to start from. Over the course of the semester, interfaces, inheritance, linked lists, recursion, trees, and graphs are covered, as well as a bunch of little things.</p>
<p>If you have any particular questions about what your background means for placement, feel free to IM or PM me.</p>
<p>For the record, I went into 15-200 having seen almost no Java before. I was, however, well versed in programming concepts that are common to all languages like loops and if statements, as well as OOP. I finished with one of the highest grades in the class.</p>
<p>The section I took involved writing programs like: plug numbers into formulas to calculate info about the flight of a theoretical rocket, plug numbers into formulas to approximate pi, writing a class to represent rational numbers, writing a class to simulate a vending machine, writing a priority queue (a data structure that you'll eventually see so much of that it'll make you sick), and on and on and on. The most complicated assignment was writing a program that renders photomosaics. Fun, but a good deal of work.</p>
<p>Ideally, you'll have programmed before, preferably in C++ or Java. And as KrazyKow said, if you need help, there's plenty available.</p>
<p>Here is the website for the summer 15-200 course:
<a href="http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/15-200/index.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/15-200/index.html</a></p>
<p>If you go to the lab section, you can see what some of the programming assignments are like. If you have some Object Oriented Programming experience you should do fine in the course</p>
<p>thinkdifferent, my situation right now is the same as urs a year ago. i just hope the grades will be same too!!</p>