Advice for an incoming sophomore?

<p>hello there... I'll be a sophomore this coming fall, and i'm kinda excited about it... But anyways, i was wondering about a couple of things and i thought this would be a good place to ask.
First of all, i'm having quite a bit of trouble deciding as to what i should do for gym credit. I did cross country last year, and it's no biggie doing it again. But the thing is, i'm afraid that if i do cross country again, it will eat up all of my free time, and plus, i won't be able to do any of the club activities since it's during when most clubs meet. This is bad because i want to be a science club captain someday, sometime during my high school career. In order to be a captain, you need to be there, at every meeting. So i thought of an alternative, which is karate, but then again, i'm not so sure since i haven't done karate before. I need some serious help! Thanks in advance...</p>

<p>Well how much do you like cross country? Are you doing it just to get out of gym or do you truly enjoy it more than you would the science club?</p>

<p>well to tell you the truth, the only reason i did cross country last year was so that i would get in shape... and also because i heard from my friend that it would look good on the college application so...</p>

<p>Then dont do cross country. If you still have a gym credit you can take a semester of gym....better than using up your time with practice for xc.</p>