Advice for Choate new students for 2023-24

I cannot speak directly to Choate, but as someone who works closely with many high school students on a daily basis, please encourage your son to find a community service project or program (or create one) that speaks to their passions and interests. It is the best way to make service something your student looks forward to. For example, my son loved cars and anything to do with them. His service throughout middle and high school was repairing cars for people that could not afford to take their cars to a traditional garage. It made sense for him personally and definitely helped craft a very clear narrative when he applied to colleges. My middle son loved being online and gaming - his service was being a moderator on Discord for channels that had tens of thousands of people internationally. My youngest loves reading and books, but isn’t super outgoing. Her biggest service project in middle school was recording books in English for a local library here (we live overseas in a non-English-speaking country), creating QR codes for kids and adults to access the videos of her reading, etc. For each of my kids (and in my professional capacity), I focus on finding out what a student really LOVES to do and then brainstorming ways for them to bring that passion into service to others.


While I agree with you 100% our time is limited this summer and since I was just told to get it out of the way before school starts, I feel like just ‘getting it done’ will have to suffice. I’m hoping he will accomplish enough at Choate that the summer of this 9th-grade (now) year won’t mean much in terms of college admissions. Something to discuss and focus on next year for sure!

And there can be a developing story that begins now. Anything you do after 8th grade graduation can be added to the Common App activities section. This would be a great time to explore a potential activity or service project that can be opened and expanded as your student grows throughout high school.


There’s a reason our school refers to it as "service learning ".

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Uhmm, it sounds weird a little bit and like a template. I mean not everything you do after 8th grade graduation should be included. You should better focus on quality over quantity and choose activities that truly reflect your interests and growth during high school:)

Perhaps I wasn’t clear in the way I said it - I didn’t mean that you should or will add everything from 8th grade graduation to the Common App, but rather that this could be a great opportunity to explore what could potentially turn into something larger that is carried through high school. The other poster said they were going to do something just to get service done. I was attempting to showcase a way in which some more thought could be put into it, which would be beneficial for the growth of the student and for the people they are serving. It is much more meaningful if a student wants to be serving instead of feeling it is just something “to get done”.

As you said, “You should better focus on quality over quantity and choose activities that truly reflect your interests and growth during high school:)” . . . That is basically exactly what I said a few posts up.


Did anyone buy a desk chair for their 3rd former? I’m hearing that is a must from other BS parents, but was wondering specifically about Choate… I’m assuming most studying is done in their room?

I was just thinking the same! I figured we would see upon arrival and get one after that if needed.

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I was told nobody buys desk chair

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Anyone receives their class assignment yet? DS got his math/science/language placement, but nothing else… and when should he expect his class schedule? Will he be able to talk to is form dean before school starts? Also, can one map out their 4-year plan class-wise? Or don’t they do that at Choate? TIA

My daughter emailed the registrar and they told her the full schedule will be sent mid-August.

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Thanks! Any idea when they meet with the academic dean? That was supposed to happen before school starts (at least that’s what we thought). Thanks!!

No, sorry I don’t know. I am always behind the eight ball so I rarely have answers. LOL