I withdrew from my 4 year university and enrolled in the local community college to save money and take a few classes before I move out of state and enroll in their university. I only emailed 3 of my professors I had for last semester. All three of them responded and wished me thee best of luck and and other sentiments. One of the professors who isn’t in my department said to let him know if I needed anything. I just wanted to know if that’s just something professors say when they know you’re leaving or if he actually meant if I needed anything. I don’t know if I woulda consider having a close relay with the professor, I did go to his office hours every week because I had a hard time in the class and I also was generally interested in the topic and I would ask a bunch of questions out of curiousity. He also knew me by name in a class of 300. I never thought I would need anything like a recommendation from a professor from a general education course that has nothing to do with my major. I also wanted to know if it’s okay to keep in touch with professors like email updates or asking them to coffee, or is that weird. One of my abortive professors who I emailed is female but what about the two males? I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.