<p>I tried to look around for a thread like this, but I couldn't find one. So I guess I'll start one...</p>
<p>I'm going to be a new boarding school student this fall and I'm sure many other people will be, too. I think this thread will be quite helpful.</p>
<p>If you've attended boarding school before, please write as much advice as you would like to give. And if you're going to be a new student and have any questions, please feel free to contribute as well :)</p>
<p>(Advice can be on anything. Dorm life, making friends, academics, food, transportation, time managment, clubs, athletics, arts, going home for vacations, studying, packing... I could go on, but I'll stop here haha.)</p>
<p>Where are you going?</p>
<p>the grier school. its a pretty unknown school haha.</p>
<p>I’ve def. heard of it. Have fun:)</p>
<p>I really think there should be more people trying to answer this.</p>
<p>your welcome. Well what school are you going to. Maybe that will probably help.</p>
<p>^ she said grier…</p>
<p>maybe posters should post wat school they’re going to and what yr to clarify for response.</p>
<p>andover. what are the kids like there?</p>
<p>If you can’t find answers you guys should do what I do, and search for it.</p>
<p>some of the things are really old…better to get current info</p>
<p>I pick last( on this forum) and it only goes to july of 2009. So not really that old, only a year.</p>
<p>okay well wouldnt you have kids from the current school year answering!?</p>
<p>Bumpity bump bump.</p>
<p>Omg I’m thinking of applying to Grier for the 2011-2012 school year my choices are Grier and oldfields but Grier is my top choice once your in would you mind posting some information about what the first weeks were like??? I would love that :)</p>
<p>of course! i went there for the camp and met a few girls that also go there for school, they seemed to really like it. i will update you after the first week on how i like it, good luck! admissions is very chill, headmaster is very kind and relaxed.</p>
<p>I go to Grier, this is my second year. Its a pretty great school, but some of the people here are kind of awful. Im glad I went but im not coming back because i want to go to a better school. The first weeks are pretty fun, once you get used to everything. Do your best to get to know as many people as you can because then you will have more options as friends and people to go to. Advice for grier people- do not insult the mexicans. haha. If you are a rider or dancer (varsity) you will most likely be very popular. Try as many things as you can- grier has tons of opportunities. Grier is definitely a place where you will grow and learn about life, so let yourself! And dont hang out with any of the smokers because chances are you will be expelled -.-</p>
<p>but dont get me wrong, Grier is a great place if you hang out with the right people and you really get into things. Advice- pick something and stick with it, dont do a bunch of random things.</p>
<p>thanks musicallover913
how much of the people there smoke and do the faculty know about it but just ignore it?</p>
<p>Well a good number of people do which really sucks. Yeah the faculty know about it but they dont really do anything about it. but if they catch people in the act then they get in trouble, i mean its not allowed but they dont really do much to stop it.</p>