Advice for not stressin over college major?

<p>Hey guys. I'm currently a senior in high school and I find that I am really stressed about picking my college major. It bothers me that I am consistently changing my mind. Is this normal? Any advice on learning to take it easy? thanks</p>

<p>Employers and grad schools care a lot more about your GPA than your major. Pick a major you would enjoy and just do well.</p>

<p>Remind yourself of all the people in graduate school who still don’t know what they want to do.</p>

<p>If you’re going to a well rounded college, with lots of different majors, you’ll be able to switch should you feel the need to. Most schools have tons of gen-ed requirements anyway, so you have plenty of time.</p>

<p>Realize that there really is no way to know what you like without doing it. Yes, you can read about it, you can introspect for a couple of lifetimes, you can talk to people doing it, but none of that comes close to the real deal. So just coast along life and see where you end up.</p>

<p>Major in anything: If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.</p>

<p>Advice for not stressing: Many places allow you to declare your major up until the end of your freshman year or sophomore year. You’ll find out you want when you get there. Relax.</p>



<p>They might not know what they want to “do,” but they more than likely know what they want to study.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, some great advice. Trying not to stress =p</p>