"Advice for those who haven't decided yet..." --Zaphod

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=177753%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=177753&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for re-activating this post MamaSparrow! Good stuff.</p>

<p>speaking of MamaSparrow....what is D gonna do???????</p>


<p>She's deciding! Shut up and PRAY! :D</p>

<p>I can't believe my threads are now being quoted across forums! :o</p>

<p>What do you mean? I've been on this site less than a month and I already know you're a legend!</p>

<p>Yes, please pray for her...so difficult....(thank you, Z...)</p>

<p>I have an idea! </p>

<p>Just tell her she'll have to deal with ME if she chooses wrong! :mad:</p>


<p>But...she might send my sister in her place...and then what would you do???? ;)</p>

<p>Got you covered MamaSparrow - Prayers are coming.</p>

But...she might send my sister in her place...and then what would you do???? ;)


<p>Hey! That's no fair! :(</p>


<p>I know...sorry... :p</p>

<p>thank you, wvdad....</p>

<p>lol this forum being "reactivated" did absolutely nothing.</p>

<p>A Marine recruiter keeps asking me "Why Navy? Why not Marine Corps?" I really can't answer him besides telling him that it's been my life-goal...any suggestions for how to truly lay it out? I feel for USN and I feel even more for USNA. It's just how I feel and I can't describe it.</p>

A Marine recruiter keeps asking me "Why Navy? Why not Marine Corps?" I really can't answer him besides telling him that it's been my life-goal...any suggestions for how to truly lay it out?


<p>"Sorry, sir, but attacking tanks with knives is not what I consider a career-enhancing move. Sir!"</p>


<p>All joking about Jarheads, er, Marines aside, if I went through USNA today, I'd probably pick USMC. NO ONE has an esprit de corps anywhere near the Marines. The only other option in that regard is the SEALs, and you have to be certifiable to be one of them.</p>

<p>But hey, these are the musings of an old, overweight, couch potato, so what do I know? :)</p>

<p>Listen you old ( not according to me)
overweight ( OK maybe you are a bit)
couch potato ( if you stopped kibbutzing with us all the time on this forum and WALKED you'd be none of the above, dear friend...but then we'd all be in withdrawal so you'd be forced to come back anyway)</p>

<p>You're 100% right 'bout them Marines...
THAT'S why MY kiddo is planning on her commission from USNA being as a 2/LT USMC!!!!!</p>

<p>My couch-potato days will come to a screeching, crashing, halt on Thursday, when I close on my fixer-upper home.</p>

<p>Can't wait! :D</p>

<p>usnso: Not that it matters, but I just love this quote from a current Mid: "What are you doing posting on this board? go be weird somewhere else."</p>

<p>Attacking tanks with knives, huh? I've never heard that. I'll be sure to relay that on. If he shoots me, I'm suing CollegeConfidential!</p>

<p>Go Navy! (And I mean NAVY not some ghetto Marine BS).</p>

<p>M y
A ss
R ides
I n
N avy
E quipment,
S ir!</p>

<p>Wow, I'm creative!:)</p>


<p>And so as to not appear bigotted:</p>



<p>It's been a long time since I've heard that "Muscles..." acrostic.</p>

<p>How about a new NAVY acronym? I'm getting sick of that "Never again..." one. SOMEONE COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW!</p>