Advice needed! transfers....sorry to bring this up again, but what are my chances?

<p>ok so this is my problem. i am 18 and a first year at UCR with sophomore status, ap’s, summer school and what not. I am a biology major and currently taking chem, calc, and poli sci. ( i got to skip English this quarter). i am doing well in my classes and fully expect to get at least B’s in the class, but most likely A’s. as far as extra curricular, since i am a first year i am still in the process of getting involved but i am currently in the process of becoming a clinical care intern at a local hospital volunteering 4-8 hours/week. </p>

<p>Now that the background is over, i was wondering what are my chances of getting into UCSD, UCLA, UCI, USC with only one year here at riverside. Yes, i know this is a great school, which i really do believe, and i know that UCR is opening a medical school soon, but i would like to go to a university with a set medical school. i am well aware that this will not guarantee me into their programs, however i feel it is a great resource.</p>

<p>i expect my gpa to be 3.5 + within the next couple of quarters, i got a c in math during the summer. its ucr, what can i say, i got distracted. however, i am extremely motivated putting many hours into studying and my performance in my current classes is showing it.</p>

<p>so what are my chances of transfer within one year at ucr? expect to apply for fall 2011.
Another option is applying for the winter quarter when i have a little more experience under my belt.</p>

<p>after an email to transfer services, they would be paying attention and granting admission taking my grades on my first quarter as a major factor. i fear that this is too little to judge me on, let alone give me a fighting chance to transfer. any advice?</p>