Advice on Decision

So I recently heard back from Binghamton (Fall waitlist/spring offer). I got into Stony Brook, Geneseo, and SUNY Buffalo.

Binghamton was one of my top choices so I really want to attend. For the spring offer, I do not wish to go to a community college.

Which of the 3 schools I listed above (SB, Geneseo, UB) would be the best to spend the single fall semester at before transferring to Binghamton? Which has the most lenient transfer policies?

Do you pay per semester at these institutions?

Also, I have yet to receive anything in the mail discussing the actual details of the decision (deposit due dates, procedures, etc.)

I hope to be a biology or business major.

Thanks for the help!

Personally I would choose the one closest to home and commute if possible, especially if you are definitely going to Binghamton in the spring. I go to Geneseo currently but am transferring to Binghamton this fall.

@bgillz do you mind sharing why you are transferring from Geneseo this fall? thanks

@gvemeanothryr20 I personally do not like it here. There isn’t much to do here especially on the weekends. After visiting friends at binghamton I feel it is a much better fit for me, plus they have a much better business school.

choose the school that’s cheapest. It really does not matter since you’re going to Binghamton

Yes, it does matter. You are not a student at Binghamton if you take classes at BCC. Binghamton University does not include you in any of their stats. They consider you a BCC student. Students I advise with good skills and who worked hard in high school don’t end up at community college. They start and finish college at a strong 4 year college.

We aren’t talking about the Binghamton Advantage Program.