Right now I am a Junior in Oklahoma who is planning on going to either Okstate or OU, whoever will give the best deal, as has been advised to me, but I have trouble finding a way to pay for college.
Looking at their websites, it looks like I will be able to achieve $8000-$10000 in academic scholarships given my gpa (4.0) and what I plan to make on the ACT (which I have not yet taken, but will in a few months), but that will only pay for half of a single year. Best case scenario is that I make NMF off the PSAT I will be taking, but, you know, that may not happen.
I am not in Oklahoma’s Promise, and my parents will probably pay for very little to none of the fees due to financial issues (they make a combined $70000 a year, but are by no means better off, or in the situation to pay for anything. EFC calculator on collegeboard says “Total Estimated IM Contribution=$4958” but I have no idea what that means or if it is of any help).
Other information that may be relevant: I plan on getting a BS in Psychology and then applying to med school. I have taken an AP test and have earned 6 credit hours so far, and am planning on taking 3-5 more tests. These, assuming I pass, will chip about 20 hours off. At the moment the only school club I am in is Academic Bowl, but I plan on joining a few more clubs this year, as well as StuCo and NHS next year.
Apologies if I have forgotten anything in my anxious stupor, or if it seems jumbled in any way. I do not like the idea of taking out student loans, but if that is the only option, what else am I to do?