
<p>how are the advisors at penn? do they care about each and every student, or are they a little impersonal?</p>


<p>It really depends what you make of your advisor. Each student has a peer advisor and a faculty pre-major advisor to start and later one or more major advisors. There are multiple mandatory meetings with both your advisors throughout the year, esp during the course selection period. The advisors at Penn, both peer and faculty, can be great resources. It really is up to the student to utilize them.</p>

<p>Advising is handled differently in all 4 undergraduate schools.</p>

<p>In Wharton, students are not formally assigned to advisors. We assign you to someone over the summer so that you have a name and contact information if you have any questions about registration. However, once students get here, they are free to see any advisor in the office. We all have different styles and personalities so we encourage students to shop around to see who they work best with.</p>

<p>I don't think that we are impersonal at all! We are all working as academic advisors because we want to work with undergraduate students. I personally love my job so I like to think that I know a lot of students - some very well - and that I have a good relationship with all of the students that I see/hear from on a regular basis. (JOSE?) We try to be as available and friendly and open as possible and I think we do a good job :)</p>

<p>Wharton also has peer advisors (your MGMT 100 team advisor), and Concentration Advisors (faculty members) that you are also free to consult with any questions you might have.</p>

<p>I have been advised by WhartonAdvisor and agree that the above is true. :O</p>