I want to major in aerospace. So far I have been accepted to Purdue, FloridaTech and University of Cincinnati. I also applied to Reed and William and Mary; both Reed and W&M send students to other schools for engineering, W&M sends students to Columbia and Reed sends students to Columbia and Caltech. Columbia doesn’t offer aerospace as an engineering major but they do have mechanical. Would a mechanical degree work as well as an aerospace degree from Purdue? A degree form W&M would be a 3/2 program; so I would get two bachelors degrees, one in mathematics form W&M and the othe in mechanical engineering firm Columbia.
I know you can do aerospace with a mechanical degree but which would most companies prefer? I would love to work for NASA or Boeing or SpaceX or GE; but most people say that.
There are LOTS of problems with 3/2 programs, not the least of which is your admission is not guaranteed into the 2 school. Search this forum for threads. Most, myself included, strongly recommend against 3/2 programs.
Read the other aerospace vs. mechanical threads as well, as they pretty thoroughly answer that portion of your question.
Also, for the record, Caltech does not offer a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering either.
Columbia guaranteed admission for W&M as long as you pass all of the needed classes at W&M
Caltech doesn’t, but I think they offer mechanical, which is my main question. But thanks for your imput.
3-2 programs won’t be popular here.
In addition to what’s been mentioned, consider that you’ll likely make some very good friends in the 3, then not get to graduate with them . That’s a sad thing.
you can work for an aerospace co with mech rng. I know people who have. My son wondered the same and went mechanical eng. He then took aerospace as electives. Had an internship with an aerospace co.