Affording Tulane- Transfer

Hey guys,

I just received acceptance for Fall 2020 as a transfer. However, all I received is a 5,000 scholarship.

I’m working on my CSS profile right now so receiving the financial aid package is on hold, and I’ve emailed seeing if I could qualify to apply for the Legislator’s Scholarship. I’ve also been applying to multiple outside scholarships as well. My current uni is just so cheap, I’ve never had to worry about these kinds of things.

Should I just wait until financial aid comes in to gauge? Does anyone have any more advice on making Tulane more affordable? Thanks!

IDK the answer for your question, but I also applied as a transfer for Fall 2020 recently and am wondering what day you submitted your application and what day you were accepted? Hope you figure out this scholarship stuff, I know it’s stressful!

Hi! I applied 1/13 and was accepted 2/7!

Hey, honestly, to be blunt, it’s going to be really expensive.

New Orleans is already a really expensive city, then there’s food, clothes, BOOKS for classes and materials you have to buy such and such.

You could work an on campus job to help pay for college (some people work three jobs!) but maybe apply for scholarships to help make it more affordable.

You can also do an appeal! You can protest the scholarships they gave you and ask for more possibly.

Also, if you don’t mind me asking, what was your SAT score and GPa And like what college did you go to? I also applied to tulane recently and am stressed my stats aren’t up to their standards.

Feel free to ask me more questions and you can always call Tulane’s admissions office or financial office! Good luck!!! Wish u the best

Wait until you receive your financial aid offer.

I got it figured out! Thanks, everyone! I committed today! :slight_smile:

Hey luv! did you already get accepted yet? I live outside the city so I totally get the expenses. Its worth it.