Afraid of Having My Admission Withdrawn

Hello all, I was recently accepted into SDSU’s freshman nursing program, my number one choice for college; however, after reading about discrepancies on HS & college transcripts for SDSU I worry that my admission will be withdrawn.

At the beginning of my second-semester senior year, I enrolled in a course called Counselling 100 because it guarantees me free tuition at a local cc just in case I don’t get accepted anywhere, but I forgot to report this to SDSU. I know it’s not a negative discrepancy where I drop my AP courses and take an easier second semester, but it’s still considered a discrepancy.

Will my admission be withdrawn because of this? Please post any tips/advice as I’m not so sure about what to do.

Thank you!

Contact SDSU admissions, explain you omitted the class and keep any documentation just in case. To me, the class looks like a non a-g course which SDSU will not care about in the end.