African-American Class of 2014 Thread

<p>This thread seems like a fantastic way to exchange information. I wish I’d found it earlier. :)</p>

<p>I’m rounding out the end of my junior year in South Carolina and was just recently (like today) accepted into the American Arts, Popular Culture and Social Change Notre Dame Leadership Seminar this July! I’m really excited to be doing a summer program like this, but am also a little nervous about traveling the distance between the two states basically alone. I’ve had camps away from home before but this will be the first one away from the East Coast.</p>

<p>Has anyone else done a summer program out of their hometown? Is anyone else doing something awesome over the summer? I’d love to hear it!</p>

<p>Wow! That’s good! I’m happy for you. I was going to apply for the leadership seminar as well but I’m going to super busy during the time that it will occur so yeah…pretty bummed out ): ND is my top school as well…I probably wouldn’t have gotten in if I applied lol.</p>

<p>I don’t know about the school itself because I’m wayyyyyy out of state, but hopefully this summer will help me decide. I’m surprised I got in after seeing the caliber of students who applied to be honest. Don’t doubt yourself!</p>

<p>Lol I guess I should be more positive</p>

<p>Definitely. Who knows what wouldve happened?</p>

<p>Yeah. Thank you :slight_smile: congrats! I know you’ll have a good time.</p>

<p>I will probably go to UofChicago summer session if I get financial Aid.</p>

<p>Also I have a school question. Isn’t it Illegal for a teacher to give you an 0 in a presentation because you couldn’t talk, because you were doing a protest against bullying. Note: My presentation had everything on there so I didn’t have to talk and talking was not a requirement. Especially if he said be creative with your presentation and trust me I was going to add some creative, and helpful learning stuff.</p>

<p>PS. Isn’t that also close to the Tinker vs. Des Moines supreme court case?</p>

<p>You could talk but you made a choice not to.</p>

<p>I guess the professor could let you slide but made a choice not to.</p>

<p>Why it would be illegal in a free country, I don’t know.</p>

<p>That’s the strange thing because it was against my rights from the first amendment. He also can’t say that speaking was a part of the criteria because he gave us it and I made my powerpoint fit it and the bonus with the interactions. Oh well then I’m not giving up my right. Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Franklin. I don’t care about a grade that wouldn’t matter later when a midterm comes up.</p>

<p>You didn’t give up or defend a right. </p>

<p>The first amendment as well as all the others are to protect us from the government.</p>

<p>In your interactions with your professor, you made a choice and he made a choice.</p>

<p>Our actions have causes and effects. You could’ve given a real presentation then continued your silent protest.</p>

<p>You have no right to escape the consequences of your choices. You picked a bad day to be silent. Protest on weekends from now on.</p>

<p>Lol, what are you saying? Protesting only when it’s convenient defeats the point, dude. </p>

<p>I would’ve rescheduled the presentation. And if the teacher refused to cooperate, make a BFD of it and tell the world. Or reddit. Reddit would take to it well.</p>

<p>It’s indeed close to the Tinker vs. Des Moines supreme court case, but the difference is that deliberate silence disrupts schooling while wearing a black armband does not…</p>

<p>I’m just saying don’t complain if you choose to protest when it’s inconvenient when the world chooses to go on to your detriment.</p>

<p>What I planed to do was a decided by my friends to have been a great idea which was going to include them, and if I’m correct including people in a presentation will give them a better understanding which is all people want. My silence also didn’t disrupt the learning inviroment everyone was happy including the teachers. OOne teacher did say that he wished this one girl would have done it because she talked a lot.</p>



<p>Why not? The teacher was being an cl*******. It’s always good to complain about those.</p>

<p>Be nice guys I love hearing other peoples different opinions, this will only strenghen my claim when I understand my enemy.</p>

<p>My position comes from the notion that your freedom is not superior to my freedom and vice versa.</p>

<p>I think you exercised your freedom to not speak during your presentation and the teacher exercised his freedom (granted by the authority in his position, not by creation) to give you a zero.</p>

<p>He is not obligated to accommodate someone else’s protest of anything. Nobody is except the federal govt which is constitutionally restricted from taking away certain inalienable rights.</p>

<p>So, why complain? Anyone who protests anything has to be aware that others may oppose, resist, ignore, avoid or just be a plain jerk towards them. It comes with the territory. People marched in the 60s knowing they would be beaten, hosed, bitten and jailed and did it anyway. What’s the point of protest without the need for courage?</p>

<p>I understand what you’re trying to say and don’t worry I don’t care in a way that he did that. If in the end I’m getting the zero so be it I would go down the myrtar in the class.</p>

<p>That shows true conviction to your cause.</p>

<p>I want to go to a college in nc…but it needs to be quality and pretty diverse. Any recommendations?</p>