African American Class of 2015

@drblack Congrats on all those acceptances! I’m glad all your hard work has finally paid off! Now comes the hard part…choosing. Have you narrowed down your list yet?

I got accepted to Dartmouth! Yay lol.

@Mathmaticious‌ you only applied to those 4 schools? That’s risky lol. But hey, it worked!

Haha no. I have a friend that applied to only reaches and got into them all, but I was not that confident. :stuck_out_tongue: I had two safeties. I applied to 8 schools total and was accepted to 6. @PoisonIvy20‌

Accepted to Harvard and Princeton!

haha I was rejected from those two ^, but got in to my top two: Yale and Columbia :smiley:

A great admission season and I am sooo happy to have shared it with you all! Got rejected from all Ivies and Stanford (lol) but blessed to say that I got into Johns Hopkins, Rice, and Vanderbilt. Thank God Dartmouth waitlisted me; I had a winning admission record :wink: 9-1-8. Great job everyone! I’m really happy to a part of a really talented AA class of 2K15 :slight_smile:

This year’s Black American accepted to all eight Ivies is Nigerian!!! Haha I’m so proud, but I want next year’s golden child to be a woman. Come on 2016, you can do it!

Nigerians for the win!!

Why are the 8 ivy kids always from NY though?


Accepted: UNC, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Wake Forest!

@uclabound1‌ Thank you so much and congratulations to you too as well. I have my mind set on Stanford, it’s been my dream school for a while.

The “you only got in because you’re black” has started at my school. I was anticipating it, expecting to not care, but I do care and im angry and tired. Any tips?

@Jellybae didn’t you say previously that you were the salutatorian?? What exactly are they mad for when you’re obviously qualified? When I told my AP Stats teacher about that earlier, he said to just shove your transcript in their face. And you could probably tell them to search up the definition of holistic. For some unknown reason, most people assume that admittance into top-tier schools are not all about stats and that essays, ECs, and letters of recommendation also matter.

I am a parent of an S’18 and I have been following this thread closely. You have made me proud with the fantastic acceptances. Based on the last post I feel compelled to respond. What you mention is “acceptance shaming” and it’s like a disease that appears each year at around this time. Please see below for last year’s post and hopefully you can develop a strategy to respond should you wish.

@tola2015‌ I’m not salutatorian. I’m in the top 2% though. At my school, to be val/sal you have to be rich. Thank you! I know I’m qualified which is why this feeling is annoying me so much. I know the assertion is dumb but it still hurts

Someone asked me to post DD’s stats here. I generally do not like to do that, but here is a general profile.@2300 sat, sat 2 scores in mid 700s. Decorated 4 yr varsity athlete, impactful head of important cultural group, great recs. spent a lot of time on essays.

I offically committed to Princeton! Go Tigers!! :smiley:

@Mathmaticious Congratulations!!

@Mathmaticious That’s awesome dude! Too bad we’re not going to the same school…cuz I’m going to MIT!