African American Class of 2015

<p>Recently became addicted to the African American thread. Love it!
I was scrolling down and I didn't see a class of 2015 topic...not sure if I over looked it. But I thought it would be nice to talk to some rising juniors who I could relate to.
So high school class of '15 where you at!?</p>

<p>Why hello there! basic2015…</p>

<p>I really like the AA threads too. helps you relate and see what sorts of things you need to aspire to to be admitted to the top colleges. Unbelievably helpful resource!</p>

<p>Agreed. I’m very impressed with the academic achievements and the ECs. Seeing them motivates me to step my game up!
My dream school is UNC Chapel Hill and I know it’s gonna be ridiculously tough to get in. So this summer I’m
gonna be working my butt off studying for SATs and getting involved around the community. What’s your course load looking like for next year?</p>

<p>Hey guys glad to see a class of 2015 thread on here. I wanted to start one a while back but I thought no one would reply.</p>

<p>I was nervous about that too. It’s great to see some activity on here!</p>

<p>Hey everyone! I’ve been lurking around this board for a while and finally decided to make an account. It’s really nice to see a section dedicated to this :slight_smile: I bought 2 SAT books and plan on prepping for the PSAT and maybe the SAT in December</p>

<p>Which books did you get?
I recently ordered College Board’s and Barron’s 2400.
Im planning on putting a lot of work in this summer in order to get a 2100+</p>

<p>I got Kaplan’s 2400 and Barron’s Hot Words for the SAT. I’m planning on doing a lot of work too. I took the SAT for the 1st time the summer before sophomore year and got a 1560, but I’m hoping that’s only because i totally bs-ed it. It was for a camp, so I didn’t take it seriously. I’m just really anxious that I’m not going to get to the level I want to be.</p>

<p>I know how you feel! I took my PSAT and got a 170, which I believe would roughly be about a 1700. I</p>

<p>*Sorry accidentally hit the send button.
…I didn’t have any prior studying. I’ve never taken a real SAT before either. Im definitely nervous about meeting my goal too. But don’t worry!! It’s so cliche, but I think anything is possible with true dedication and the willingness to really work hard for what you want. What type of camp did you go to?</p>

<p>It’s definitely not cliche, but sometimes I think that it applies to everyone except me ya know? lol. The camp is called the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine, or NYLF. I want to be a surgeon, so it helped me really see what med school, residency, etc. would be like. Have you been to any camps?</p>

<p>Wow that’s impressive!! I’ve never been to any camps of that caliber. Although I would love to. Im really thinking about being a pharmacist, since I loved chemistry this year!
Unfortunately, I live overseas so going to those types of things are near impossible and very expensive. :(</p>

<p>aww that sucks :frowning: I wouldn’t worry about it, I’ve heard that these camps don’t really help in college admissions anyway. I just like having something to do during the summer. I loved chem too! Do you plan on taking AP? I was going to, but at my school, the class is REALLY hard and most of the people who took it felt like they did poorly on the exam. I’m taking Anatomy & Physiology and Physics, instead.</p>

<p>Yep!! Im taking AP Chem this year. I wasn’t going to take it because it’s one of the hardest APs and the previous teacher wasn’t very competent. However, my current (well now previous) chemistry teacher is going to be teaching the AP class. She was AWESOME this year and I trust that she will do great things with the class. Hopefully all goes well this year! But anatomy and physiology is a good choice.
What other classes are you taking this year?</p>

<p>That’s great! The same teacher that teaches Honors Chem teaches AP, and she’s good, but I guess she’s not good at teaching AP. Besides that I’m taking:</p>

<p>AP English L&C
AP U.S History
Honors French IV
Honors Pre-Calc AB
Honors Physics
Theology (required)</p>

<p>I’m a Christian, but I kinda wish Theology wasn’t required, so I could take another academic class lol My school has a lot of interesting ones, but that would mean taking out one of my electives.</p>

<p>What colleges are you guys planing on applying to? I was thinking USC,NYU Tisch, and UCLA. I’m plaining on becoming a screenwriter so I’m aiming for the best of the best.</p>

<p>My top four right now is Duke, UPenn, Vanderbilt, and Yale. I aim really high lol I plan on majoring in neuroscience, which I know will most likely change so I need a college that is strong in the sciences.</p>

<p>Nice,my cousin goes to Duke and she says that its really expensive to study there even with financial aid.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s the only issue with some of these schools :(</p>