African American Class of 2015

<p>@Bellander Thank goodness that half the AP’s I’m taking are easy. Hopefully my transcript will be very outstanding by the time I graduate. Although I’m starting to think that colleges are used to seeing black females over achieve. </p>

<p>@Basic2015 Lol basically on the first day of school all of my teachers look at me as of I’m going to be a trouble maker (we all know why lol). To prove them wrong I’m always the first one to raise my hand to answer questions and I’m always on time to class oh and on time when turning in assignments. Here’s my favorite lol, I bring in a really difficult book that I’m reading for “fun” and read it when I’m finished with my class work. By the end of the week my teachers know that I’m not “ratchet,ghetto, a trouble maker, or a procrastinator”. That is how I put my teachers in their place. They have no right to assume I’m a hoodlum because of my appearance. And because of this my teachers hardly ever confuse me for the “other” black or foreign looking girl in the class. They actually know my name and that I can accomplish absolutely any task given to me. Besides I live in Florida, a realllllly messed up state so I’m used to the ill treatment.</p>

I know the feels. In the past it wasn’t a problem since I knew the kids in my class for a few years. But this year I was at a new school and you really do have to “prove yourself”. Whether its my race, gender, personality, appearance or whatever I feel people underestimate me. But that’s just life. I don’t take it personal or really go out of my way to prove them wrong. Once the test grades start rolling in the teachers have greater respect for you and so do your classmates. My White/Asian peers dont assume that Im smart but after a few tests they get the picture. But I kind of hate it because that’s when they want to start copying your work. This year was the first year that I got a backbone and said no to copying work. I was soft back in the days!</p>

<p>Does anybody know why the Trayvon Martin thread was closed?</p>

<p>@basic2015 Believe it or not Asians have more issues with me than the whites at my school do. But I’m cool with that. I was actually in the “popular” clique at the beginning of the year and people who would never give me the time of day started talking to me trying to get into the clique as well. Lol but like all good things this came to an end. I was out of the group when they found out I don’t “drink,smoke, or party”. But again fine with me, I’m not going to ruin my body and lower my moral values to be in a clique.</p>

Riiiight! I think that’s happened to the best of us. Partying just never appeals to me because ill be the one kid who gets busted and then all the studying and hard work will be for nothing. Im sure its fun, but being the type of kid that I know Ill be the one to get caught. Im a terrible liar too! One night just isn’t worth it.</p>

<p>@basic2015 The kids here in Florida are just too much when it comes to partying. These kids come school drunk,stoned, and even smelly sometimes. And since my school is predominately white these kids love to party. They’re always going to the beach (im never invited), the rich kids parents always seem to be out of town so theres a party like every week (im never invited), and you’re really only considered popular if your’e apart of the school government (which only has like 1 or 2 black members including myself.) Even the pretty boys at my school are no good, one of them got arrested for drug trafficking. I’m usually that kid that they take advantage of. Sometimes they take my work right off my desk and copy it and sometimes they even complain about how my handwriting is so bad. Other times they act like they’re my friend just to get some answers. At one point I was 3 weeks ahead on class work you won’t believe how many “friends” I made. So I stopped leaving my work on my desk and I just keep it In an accordion folder till it’s time to turn in. I’m taken advantage of A LOT! Like three weeks before school got out one of the populars in one of my classes asked me what my name was…I’ve helped this girl quite a few times throughout the year and she still hadn’t learned my name . She thought my name was “Jada” or something like that, how ignorant. But I felt better about myself when she asked the teacher if women are allowed to own guns in the USA. That and she got chlamydia, every time she’d cough in class we’d all kinda jump or try not to breathe in the air. That poor girl at least she has her looks for now.</p>

<p>That sounds like Degrassi!
I think that every school has it’s groups like that. But if thats what you’re comfortable doing then thats you.
I think it’s most important to be around people who share the same interests/ambitions as you and that you’re comfortable around. Birds of a feather…</p>

<p>This writing section tho… :frowning:
It’s so formulaic and it shows no reflection on your actual writing abilities.</p>

<p>@basic2015 My school is much worse than Degrassi lol. I can never fit in with these cliques!!! I have friends but I feel like such a loner at school because all of my friends are just the black kids who take AP and honors classes. So it’s a forced friendship for me and we have absolutely nothing in common I feel like I’m just friends with them because I’d have no one else to talk to or hang out with. I just want to be friends with someone who likes me for me and doesn’t find my humor “too dark” or “too weird”. I actually had the perfect friend but the problem was he’s a guy and everyone assumed we were dating and I hated that, until one day a friend of mine told me that guys at school aren’t into me because they thought I was dating the guy or that me hanging around him made me look weird. And eventually the guy found out what my friend said and he stopped talking to me :(.</p>

<p>And right lol my writing skills look horrendous on this site >_>.</p>



<p>Are you just friends with the black kids who take AP and honors classes because they’re black and you’re black? It sounds like you don’t have much in common with them because you said you feel like a loner. Maybe opening up your friend circle to some diversity might help. I know I’d be lost without my friends of other races. At my school, there are very few African Americans in AP classes and of those few, I really don’t have much in common with them.</p>



<p>I’ve been in that position before. I had friends but on the inside I really couldn’t relate to them and we didn’t have much in common. It was like that for a while. And I also had a guy best friend who everyone thought I liked, and I didn’t. But he really liked me and then when someone pointed it out I got really self conscious about it and pushed him away. Biggest regret ever. He was one of the best guys Ive met.
One of my fav books said “Life’s to horrible to not have a best friend”. (Something like this). This year my best friend and I had all the same classes etc and it was really fun to go through it together. But believe me I didn’t forget how lonely I felt before we met. So I know how you felt. My advice to you is that it does get better. It really does.
I would try to open up to other groups. Maybe groups that have some of the same interests as you. At some point last year I found myself spending a lot of time with the Asian kids (from math team lol very nerdy me) last year and they were just amazing. Really fun people with awesome food.</p>

<p>Everybody wants friends who like them for who they are.</p>

<p>Its odd to put down the friends you have as people forced upon you then to follow it with a desire to have people like you for who you are.</p>

<p>It goes both ways.</p>

<p>I’ve seen it a lot though where people want to associate with others who don’t and despise the people that like them. It’s a tough lot in life.</p>

<p>@tarheel97 I’ve actually tried opening up to other groups and that’s when I got mixed in with the wrong crowd. I’ve really tried to meet other people but I’m just not a people person. And when I do socialize with other groups I tend to feel really really awkward. Sometimes when I talk to a new person I feel like they’re surprised about how articulate I am, not to sound cocky or high up (I’m in the south so this isn’t a common thing among African Americans here). I’ve been called an Oreo, wigg**, white girl you name it. But it’s ironic because I’m a full blooded African.</p>

<p>@basic2015 Lol maybe I should join the math team??? Lol Jk, ill just try joining more clubs. But it’s weird because I tend to get along better with guys than girls :confused: you know what I mean?</p>

<p>I completely relate to people being surprised about how articulate I am since I’m african american. I’ve been called Oreo all my life.
& it’s okay to be an introvert! As long as that’s what you like, stay true to yourself. Don’t force yourself to be social just because you feel like you have to. If you’re happy, that’s all that matters!</p>

<p>@tarheel97 :slight_smile: will do ! And are you new to the group?</p>

If by the group you mean this thread, then yes :)</p>

<p>@tarheel97 :slight_smile: Well it’s great to have you join our thread. What does your schedule look like for this upcoming school year?</p>

Schedules haven’t been given out yet at my school but I know most of it already. We have four classes a day and switch after first semester. For first semester I have honors physics, honors English 3, honors pre calculus, and an elective. Then for second semester I’ve got AP physics, AP English language, honors US history, and an elective. It seems like a good balance (my schedule last year was SUPER hard and stressful) so I’m happy!</p>

<p>Just thought I’d give a formal hello to everyone on this thread! It’s awesome to see other black teenagers that are college bound and caring about our futures. Like many of you, I’ve been called oreo and such names growing up. I’ve been made fun of for talking/ dressing/ acting “white”. But you can’t let other people’s negativity be a distraction from your goals! Someone will always have something bad to say, especially when you’re being successful.
So maybe we should all get to know each other and share about ourselves?

  1. I’m a girl. People on CC always think I’m a guy for some reason. Haha
  2. My top school is UNC Chapel Hill
  3. I like running cross country
  4. I want to major in journalism because writing is my passion.
  5. My favorite bands are One Direction, Fall Out Boy, and We The Kings

Amen!! Welcome to the thread!
Are you from NC by any chance?</p>

<p>1) Who runs the world?
2) Chapel Hill is my top school too!! OOS chances are a killer. Hopefully I can apply instate. Im actually a duke fan (you can kill me now) but the duke tuition will put me in debt forever. But there’s always scholarships! I love the RDU area, haven’t been able to visit chapel hill yet but duke was like Hogwarts. I think Ill enjoy them both. Im willing to convert to chapel hill for basketball too.
3) What’s your PR? I can’t run worth a crap but my friend ran cross country and he always talked to me about it.
4) Another dream writer!</p>

<p>What’s your college list so far? And SAT/ACT status?</p>