African American Class of 2015

<p>5) How could I forget about one direction? I LUFF THEM.
Did you see the best song ever video?!</p>



<p>1) hahaha girls do!
2) it’s all good, we’ll reel you in at UNC with our basketball and then you’ll forget alllllll about those dukie pukies :wink: the campus at UNC is so gorgeous. But I think the best part is their student body. Most of them are so passionate about what they study and are really involved in their student organizations too. I think it’s cool to see other young people doing big things in the community. It sort of motivate you to follow their example.
3) lolololol I’m really slow but my PR is 31:07
4) YES. I randomly joined yearbook last year on a whim and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. It was finally something that I was a natural at, unlike sports. I love soccer and cross country but I definitely don’t have a gift in either sport. Haha</p>

<p>My college list is pretty unexciting compared to most of the CCers. My top school is UNC-CH and I’m in state. I’m applying early admissions there. Then if I don’t get in, I’m applying there again for regular decision and also East Carolina University and maaaaaybe UNC Charlotte. I’m taking the SAT/ ACT for the first time this year so I’ll get back to you on that!</p>



<p>YES. YES. YES. I still can barely breathe. So many perfect parts of that video. Zayn as a girl. Liam as the dance instructor. Louis being perfect as usual. Niall with his accent. And Harry being nerdy. LAWD JAYSUS. I was not prepared. I was like
"weeeeellll let me stroll on over to YouTube and check this out.
I don’t know if I have that kind of time!!:open_mouth:
but anything for my boys.
<em>watches video</em>
<em>grabs inhaler</em> "</p>

<p>I want to visit so bad! That’s one of the main things that draws me to Chapel Hill it’s the whole college town experience it has. And everybody LOVES Carolina. They say there’s always something to do. I really wanna do debate in college.
Hahaha and it’s okay my PR is nonexistent. You like soccer too?! I’ve just started getting into it.
ECU aye? I wanted to go there but I don’t wanna fall into the party scene there. Don’t know if Id be able to hang!
I think CC has really helped broaden my horizons for schools and potential. Right now top reach schools : UNC, Duke, William and Mary, and Georgetown. </p>

When Zayne was checking himself out and he blew that kiss in the ends.
And that high note. :slight_smile:
And Liam and Niall! </p>

<p>What’s your favorite song? And who’s your fav?</p>

<p>@tarheel97 You have no idea how psyched I am to have another writer on this thread. But Instead of journalism i plan on becoming a screenwriter/playwright. I really like your schedule because your AP’s don’t start till the second semester. At my school the classes you sign up for are the classes you take all year. </p>

<p>@basic2015 Im starting to notice a trend in this group lol…we’re all females. I remember a teacher telling me once that girls are far more academically driven than boys. Well then I guess it’s true lol.</p>

The party scene isn’t as bad as it sounds but I know what you mean. I want to be surrounded by as many academically driven individuals as possible in college :slight_smile:
I don’t think I want to leave my state for college. My parents always kept a tight leash on my brother and I and it would be such a major change to go from that to being super far away from them and only seeing them at thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer break. I’d consider Virginia schools maybe but it’s so much cheaper to stay in state too. </p>

<p>As for 1D, my favorite is Louis. He’s so sassy and funny. I feel like we’d get along really well and I like how he dresses. AND HIS ACCENT. I AM EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE BECAUSE OF HIS ACCENT. my favorite song by them is probably More Than This. I like that they all got a solo and its from the first album, so it’s kind of nostalgic</p>

That’s so true! I think that’s why the male to female ratio at most colleges shows a higher percentage of women than men.
& I think YOU’RE the lucky one. It would be easier to have APs last all year because then you have more time to learn the material. You’ve got an advantage! :slight_smile:
My goal with writing is to end up as a blogger or working on a magazine. I love writing the stories in the yearbook. I like the freedom of it because the yearbook isn’t super formal. You can let your voice shine through and focus on entertaining the reader, as opposed to sticking to a rigid structure.
If I don’t do something writing related for my main job, I’d be interested in becoming a dietitian and working with people who have eating disorders.</p>


<p>There’s so many girls on CC in general. I think that the guys have their moms post on their behalf. “My DS blah blah blah…”.
I can’t imagine them putting down FIFA or whatever guys play so they can do a chance me thread. As for me, my addiction to this site is something tragic. I rationalize by saying its not bad because it’s educational. Once school kicks back up…I don’t even know.
But gotta love having academically driven girls. We need to see more of it. Especially in our community.</p>

I totally agree about being far from my family. A lot of people want to go to Cali to NY but thats too far from a home cooked meal! North Carolina is a BEAUTIFUL place. So much to do in Raleigh, Charlotte, Outerbanks, and Wilmington. It’s southern but not too southern. Besides the humid summers, the weather is pretty great too. I could see myself there or the DMV area.</p>

<p>Louis really?! He ruined it for me when I found he was the one with the girly voice in Moments. “It makes it harderr <em>voice crack</em> rrr”. Moments is my favorite song. The whole first album is just perf. My favorite is Zayn for purely superficial reasons. Then Niall because he’s adorable! Liam’s just woo. And then Harry and Louis I just kinda ship. #TeamLarry</p>



<p>I don’t know why but I kind of like his nasally high pitched voice… Don’t judge me! Haha. My friends and I have found that most girls who are minorities have Zayn as their favorite. My mom said he’s her favorite… lol. I’d date Liam in a heartbeat. Woooo lawddddd. I love the way his singing and speaking voice sound and he’s SOOO nice. I definitely ship Larry Stylinson too. They’ve always got along so well and they’re so cute together. I love their bromance.</p>

<p>@tarheel97 Welcome to the thread! <em>waves</em> :slight_smile: Like basic said, its nice to see more people joining this site and especially this section. I almost jumped out of my chair when I read that you run cross country lol I’m pretty much the only black girl I know that runs long distance races instead of sprints. I have two friends that go to ECU, and from what I’ve heard they’re both love it! I used to love writing when I was younger, but I haven’t written anything in a while, and I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. Any ideas? :)</p>

YES. there’s always 80 kabillion black kids on the sprinting team and then it’s me and a bunch of white kids on the long distance team. People always assume I sprint when I say I’m a runner. It doesn’t help that I have the build of a sprinter (darn my muscular genes! <em>shakes fist</em>). </p>

<p>I would say get involved in your schools newspaper or yearbook. Taking a creative writing class might also be helpful. Joining yearbook changed my life. It really helped me see how much I love to write. It was the first class that I LOVED going to and would work on it in my free time just because I liked it so much. I feel like the experience will help me for a future as a blogger. I would seriously love that so much. Except I don’t know what I’d blog about. Every blog has a theme but it hasn’t hit me yet what mine should be about</p>

<p>@Tarheel97 I just want to be like Liz Lemon in 30 rock. I want to love what I do and not be ashamed about who I am. I was thinking about getting an internship at BET or NBC when Im a junior in college. If being a screenwriter doesn’t work out I’m probably going into television management. At school everyone refers to me as “the next Oprah”. I love the compliment but then again Oprah is just an average joe I don’t recall her ever saying she was strong academically or even strong in any field of studies. Well besides journalism I guess?</p>

<p>@basic2015 Every time I’m on CC I think most of the people making posts are guys. But now that I look a bit closer I get what you’re saying, all of these moms posting on behalf of their sons is just kind of odd for me. Lol I’d love to meet a guy who loves reading,writing, and studying as much as I do…but I can only dream :(</p>

<p>@Tarheel97 @basic2015 Im a runner too!!! But I’m a sprinter :frowning: I do the 100m hurdles “fun”. A friend and I had a tradition of getting guys from different schools phone numbers at the end of each track meet. Too bad the guys were usually way older than us :confused: that or too “swag” obsessed.</p>

You guys make me feel incredibly lazy.</p>

You mentioned 30…OH MY…I LOVE THAT SHOW. Liz Lemon/Tina Fey is life. And Jack! Tracy! Jenna! Kenneth!
That reference made me happy. I never finished watching season 7 though.</p>

<p>Whoever mentioned the guys…I imagine the most attractive guy on the planet. You guys notice how many young kids are on here? I swear there was like a 13/14 year old or maybe his mom on the chances thread. <em>Grandma voice</em> They need to go on somewhere!</p>

<p>You guys all seem to like writing? I like writing and then I like reading aloud. I love love public speaking and debates. I wish they had it at my school. Are you guys cool with letting people read your stuff. I know some writers can be very self conscious about it</p>

<p>I LOVE when people read my essays or articles. I like to see what people think because if no one likes it, no one would read my magazine or blog in the future. I’m always up for getting better. That’s why I’m so excited for AP English. I love a challenge in English. It’s my favorite class. At my school, regular and honors English are reallllllllly easy and it was kind of frustrating. I actually wanted to learn but the class never really went in depth or made you think too hard. </p>

<p>And the BET or NBC internship sounds so exciting. I never even thought that big! That would be so cool to end up there. Seventeen Magazine has a freshman 15, which is 15 girls that they choose to blog/ vlog throughout their freshman year of college to show what it’s like, any tips they have, any interesting situations they ran into, etc. I really want to apply for that when I’m old enough.</p>

<p>@basic2015 Tbh I hate it when people read my work (unless it’s a script) because writing for me is like my own private get away. My teachers usually love my essays and so do my peers. Although my English teacher this year was so meticulous and bitter that she thought of my work as “not direct” or “too much rambling”. But in all my other classes this year my teachers would make examples of my essays. I absolutely hate it when over achievers hate on me. I’m an over achiever myself but I don’t hate on others. It’s like a competition for my “haters” to turn in their work on time,typed (when it’s not required), and be the first ones to volunteer when asked to present a project. I turned in as essay once and one of my “haters” took it from the bin and read it then he started laughing at it and pointing out it’s errors. I was livid lol I called him out in front of the entire class practically belittling him, and I don’t regret my actions. Oh and the last episode of 30 rock is soooooo good!!!</p>

<p>@tarheel97 Yeah lol I have huge dreams but they’re attainable because most people think they’re out of reach (less competition for me). And you should totally go for that internship because it’s always better to try than to not try at all. I’m excited for AP English as well because I’ve never seen English as a “hard” subject as the rest of my peers do. I just hope my teacher isn’t as bitter as the teacher I had this year.</p>

Lmao at your haters! It cracks me up when people go above and beyond like typing/printing graphic organizers and they make their projects super flashy but their information is subpar. I just hate when teachers only look at the appearance of projects and stuff but dont scrutinize the actual information. Im not very artistic!</p>

<p>Did you guys have an AP English summer assignment? Have you started on your summer assignments at all?</p>

<p>@basic2015 Right!! But I’m sad to say I’m one of those students who go above and beyond lol. This is because if I were to ever fall behind on work the teacher would cut me some slack :)</p>

<p>For AP Lang all we have to do is read “On writing” by Stephen King and this grammar book. Have I read them yet :frowning: no lol. It’s a good thing I’m a speed reader ^_^</p>

Always good to have that relationship with a teacher. I try hard not to kiss up but usually they end up loving me (meaning that in the less conceited way possible)</p>

<p>Lucky you get to read Stephen King. We have no actual assignment just read around ten books of literary merit. It specifically says no Stephen King! But I’ve read like three and a half books. Im on Catcher in the Rye. Have you read that one?</p>

<p>Im a speed reader with just oh so many distractions!</p>

<p>@basic2015 No I hear it’s a classic. Is it good? And I’ve read a lot this summer I just finished reading the pregnancy project: a memoir. But my friend days the Stephen king book is about how he was exposed to writing and stuff #boring. Although I read this book called the miseducation of Cameron post…it’s super good but it’s an lgbt book. I actually picked out the book by accident because the cover attracted me >_> but the book was soo good even though I’m straight it was a great book. And “Every Day” by David levitman(I think that’s how you spell his last name) it’s a great book as well, it really gets you thinking.</p>