African-American High School Class of 2016

Got into my dream school, Princeton, and I got into my safety school: UMBC. Really excited to be Princeton bound, but I’ve still got to send in my RD apps :stuck_out_tongue:

Also got into my dream school Harvard and my safety:Rutgers. I’m not planning on sending in any other apps since the only ones I really was looking forward to was Tufts and UPenn, but financially I doubt any of those schools will be up to par with Harvard’s aid. Also I get to save $500+ to use on something else

@Slytherclaw12 that’s great! i’m an african-american also from VA who’s applying to pretty much all those same schools. yale is also my top choice rn. saw your stats in the yale 2020 results thread and we have pretty similar stats – your GPA is higher than mine, but my ECs might be a bit better. damn i hope i get in!!! anyways, congrats!

Got into dream school!!! Let’s go Princeton Tigers!!!

@APrincetonian Congrats!!

Vanderbilt class of 2020!!! Did ED1, and got a full tuition scholarship through Posse!!!

Congrats to all! We should probably make an AA results thread at some point.

@djyoungqueef Where in Va are you from? I’m from Richmond.

@Slytherclaw12 Yeah we should. Maybe in March when those who have RD apps have their decisions.

@Slytherclaw12 NOVA. fairfax county.

I just thought of something. It might be better to start a separate thread for decisions only. It will be more straightforward for future high school graduates and ED students may not get back on CC haha.

Congratulations to everyone! I’m really happy and excited for all of you :smiley:

This is so weird. It seems like only yesterday I was in your shoes as a senior in high school, obsessing over this forum and college stuff. Now I’m a senior at Princeton, looking at the class that’s going to replace me lol. Congrats to those who’ve heard good news already and best of luck with rest of the cycle, everyone! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about anything, be it Princeton or admissions related. (please excuse the delay if I don’t respond quickly, though, lol)

Don’t feel like reading through the thread so anyone in here applying to Harvard RD?

@APrincetonian I am :slight_smile:

@APrincetonian Me too!

@Princetonian2020 I know you got into your dream school and I’m super happy for you, but would you ever consider going to Harvard or any other school under any circumstance?

just submitted my app today!

Got into Duke ED, Tulane, and I’m pretty sure Howard.


How’s Duke for black students? Being a southern school and the whole noose incident, I crossed it off my list. Maybe I made the wrong decision

@Prospective1998 It’d be a tough decision, but I’d have to do my research and visit Harvard/Yale to see if it makes sense to change my mind. RD decisions are brutal so who knows even if that’d be a decision I need to make lol