African-American High School Class of 2018

@sunsheyen congrats to her!!

@arinuma im a soph who is going to apply to tasp next year. is there any advice that you’d like to give me in regards to the application process? and, congrats for getting into such amazing schools!!

12/12 in the admissions process! still stunned and feeling extremely blessed.
Johns Hopkins
UT Austin

Now time to decide…

Daughter accepted to Yale (EA), Brown, Princeton, Columbia, Wellesley, Pomona and USC. Rejected by Stanford. The decision is between Yale and Princeton. Congratulations to everyone on this thread. Don’t let anyone diminish your accomplishments, you were admitted to awesome schools because that is where you belong! #blackexcellence

So proud of everyone on this thread! Way to do it for the culture!

I have a 3.3 GPA and a 31 ACT. I’m in the IB diploma program and I’m a junior. Where should I be looking at? I want a school with a pretty good alumni network, small classes, four seasons, and in a nice town or decently close to a big city. I don’t look at stuff like dorms or food or Greek life lol, I just want to get a respected degree and get out.

I’m interested in international Business (economic development) with a science minor.

I have Morehouse on my list already and UAlabama as a safety ($20k scholarship). I’m also doing EA to UMD in-state.

Mississippian here.
I applied: UChicago, Emory, Columbia, Northwestern, Fordham, NYU Stern, Tulane
Accepted: Fordham, NYU
Waitlisted: UChicago, Tulane
Rejected: all others

Likely, I’ll be #NYU22.
Anyone else?

I’ll be attending Indiana University, Bloomington this fall!

Anyone going to Diversity Hosting at Cornell?

Anyone going to Brown’s A Day On College Hill (ADOCH) or UPenn’s Quaker Days admitted student programs?

@MaybeHarvard2022 Congrats!

From the list you provided …

I know that Rice University scores really high with black students feeling included, validated, happy, and safe on campus. Also it’s important to note that Houston has a black mayor and there’s a large HBCU (Texas Southern University) less than 4 miles away from Rice which could lead to more cultural fulfillment, entertainment, and better dating options not available on Rice’s campus.

As a high-achieving black student, it’s wise to research and analyze which campus and city has the best cultural climate and resources for black students to thrive and have a positive college experience.

Good luck and again congrats b/c I know you worked your butt off!

Also, check with each college/university and get connected with their student diversity office. They can connect you to peer mentorship programs (if available), recruitment events geared towards underrepresented students, cultural programs, and opportunities for support. If they haven’t reached out to you before your campus arrival, find them and introduce yourself.

As a father of an African American male high school student I am very proud of each of you and would like to say congratulations to you all. Your admittance into college is an amazing accomplishment that each of you have worked very hard to achieve. My prayer for each of you is that you will be equally as successful as college students and in your future endeavors. As my son prepares to begin his college process it would be very helpful if each of you would post your stats to serve as a point of reference for what these schools are looking for.

Thank You.

My D was accepted to 8 out 9 of the schools that she applied.
She received generous merit aid from all them- 2 with full rides.

Univ of Miami- Singer Scholarship Recipient full tuition
Xavier of Louisiana- full ride Scholarship Board of Trustees
George Washington University
Emory University
Dillard University -full ride Scholarship -University Scholar
Duke University not accepted

My D was accepted to 8 out 9 of the schools that she applied.
She received generous merit aid from all them- 2 with full rides.
Univ of Miami- Singer Scholarship Recipient full tuition
Xavier of Louisiana- full ride Scholarship Board of Trustees
George Washington University
Emory University
Dillard University -full ride Scholarship -University Scholar
Duke University not accepted
She loves the U but understands XULA has produced more black doctors than any other school in the USA and that full ride scholarship is very attractive. She has a hard decision to make but for me it’s not(lol). CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU. You are our up and coming leaders. Enjoy the rest of your senior year in high school and have a great but safe summer.

Vanderbilt bound. I’m excited!

What were your daughters stats. She was accepted at a lot of the schools that my son is interested in?

I am not one who usually posts my statistics online, but if anyone is interested in that, I would be happy to share through Message.

Hey guys, I’m an Black student in the class of 2019, is there a thread like this for us?

@1TigerJ894 I don’t think there is one but we should definitely start that. This thread was started while they were sophomores.

Never mind – there is one: