African-American HS Class of 2021

Son in at Northeastern. Full ride more or less. Our OOP cost is next to nothing. I’m the proudest mama.


Congrats to your son. I know you must be proud. We keep refreshing waiting for NE!

It was really nerve wracking the waves. Did your child apply EA as well?

Yes she applied EA. I’m anxiously awaiting the decision! She was tired today and already asleep! :weary:. I’m impatient. Lol

***Edit - I made her get up. She was accepted to Northeastern!


Congrats! That’s amazing!

So my son has just informed me that it’s definitely Northeastern for him. He said he didn’t really want to get excited for fear of getting his hopes crushed.
He still wants to wait for the LACs just to make sure nothing changes in the next month or so, but it looks like we are headed to Boston!


@Sirvie627 Congratulations!! So great to have our kids dreams match the outcome!!


Congratulations! It’s nice when everything converges like that.


Congratulations on such amazing results.

Here is the ultimate checklist to look over:

Great School :white_check_mark:
Affordable, Low costs, or no costs :white_check_mark:
Child happy with the school :white_check_mark:
Child happy with the location :white_check_mark:
Parents are happy (maybe my favorite category, LOL) :white_check_mark:


Just wanted to share that FA at Richmond is really solid. I would have been totally fine with the OOP cost of my son wanted to go there.


I’m so happy everyone is getting all these amazing acceptances. Congrats to all!

We are almost at the end of this journey, praying our kiddos have a better freshman year of college than Senior yr of HS. My daughter has yet to step foot on her HS campus since last March and she is OK. She’s ready to move on.

Congrats again everyone! :partying_face:


Hi all! I’m new to CC and just stumbled upon this thread. My kids are mixed-- black, Mexican, and white. I myself am half black, half Mexican. Anyone have kids applying to west coast schools? We’re in Los Angeles and my son wants to leave CA for the Pacific Northwest to be at a school with a great outdoor program (he rock climbs). He’s interested in continuing his Japanese studies (he attends Japanese school on Saturdays) and studying abroad in Japan. We are chasing merit since we don’t qualify for any need based aid since we have a super high EFC. So far he’s been accepted to Western Washington and University of Puget Sound in Washington and Willamette, Lewis & Clark, and Pacific University in Oregon. He is still waiting to hear from Whitman College, which I think is my first choice for him. He really wants to be at a small liberal arts college so I think it will come down to Willamette, UPS, Lewis & Clark, and Whitman. We had planned a Pacific Northwest college tour last spring but obviously it was canceled because of Covid. We’re hoping to plan a trip out this spring break instead as I really don’t want him to make a decision sight unseen.

Stay safe out there everyone. My grandma died of Covid pneumonia 5 days after Christmas and we just had her funeral 2 days ago so it’s been an extremely emotional time in our house.


Welcome and congratulations to your son. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. And yes, everyone please be safe.

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. How terrible.

You asked if others are applying to west coast schools: my son has applied to several CA schools. Best of luck to your son! Anywhere in the PNW is likely to be a beautiful campus.

Which schools? My son and I visited 10 schools within driving distance of LA his 10th and 11th grade year, but ultimately he only ended up applying to 3 since he really wants to get out of CA. Good luck to your son!


Most of his apps are to CA schools, but none would really qualify as a small liberal arts school. Most Jesuit because of some tuition exchange options through my husband’s employer. Without TE, all on his list are too much $$. If I remember correctly: LMU, USC, UCLA, UCSD, Cal Poly SLO (although I’m a bit worried about the racial climate at Cal Poly SLO- I’ve heard troubling things), SDSU, USD, Santa Clara. He’s applying to scholarships like crazy. Would love to hear anyone’s insights on the AA friendliness/diversity of any of these campuses. As for the schools you listed, we have friends whose kids go to each one-- each of the campuses are lovely and, as far as I know, all our friend’s kids are happy as clams. If he is looking for a small liberal arts school in a beautiful environment, any one of those choices seem like they would be a good fit for your son. Best wishes to you and your family!


I think that all historically White universities are inherently racist. Some of them are trying to establish DEI practices. The hegemony, however, pushes back. Take a look at SDSU’s recent efforts - potentially positive developments.


Are you out of state? Both my husband and I went to USC (class of 2003 and 2005). I never experienced anything in regards to racism and had a pretty diverse mix of roommates and neighbors when I lived in campus apartments the first 2 years. My biggest issue was the big difference in socioeconomic status. There are a LOT of really rich kids at USC! Two of my freshman roommates were from Beverly Hills/Brentwood and basically had unlimited funds to do whatever. One roommate was even gifted breast implants for her HS graduation gift! I came from a home with a single mom who made $24k a year. I had an on campus job all 4 years as it was my only way to have disposable income, but money was extremely tight and I could never go out with my roommates to bars/restaurants/into LA since I just didn’t have the money. Greek life is also very big at USC and $$$. Luckily I came to USC with 2 of my best friends from HS so I already had friends when I arrived. If I didn’t know anyone I may have struggled more.

Some of the schools your son applied to I’d consider complete opposites. LMU, USD, and Santa Clara are all small schools with small class sizes and close student professor relationships (which could mean more opportunity for research and internships). USC, SDSU, and UCLA are all huge with a very big rah rah rah sports culture, Greek life, and giant GE class sizes. What type of experience is he looking for? Also, at the UC and Cal State schools you’re much less likely to graduate in 4 years due to impacted majors and the difficulty in getting all the classes you need (which would possibly negate any cost savings).


Super helpful post, thank you! Wow- your experience at USC sounds very interesting! I almost spit my coffee out re: the breast implants:) Your insights as a Trojan are really helpful.

I “think” my son is more interested in the big school scene- but he really wants a school with school spirit (of any size) more than anything. The smaller schools are primarily on his list because of the Tuition Exchange program available to us, which- if received- would make those schools much more affordable than our instate schools AND because they have the type of engineering program he wants. I think he could be happy at any of the options. I hadn’t thought about the impacted degrees taking longer to graduate (and thus costing more). Thank you for pointing it out- sounds like he should research how long it generally takes students at those schools to graduate.

USC sounds like one of many potentially amazing college experiences on his list. The only place that I’ve heard consistent concerns about racism is Cal Poly SLO, and it’s so difficult to tell if the acts of some racist students or residents are a signal of a bigger problem there. Cal Poly is one of his top choices, so that’s why I’m so worried. Maybe I’m being overly sensitive- as one of the others in this forum pointed out, there’s systemic racism at virtually every non-HBC.

Thanks for letting me vocalize my concern! I really appreciate this group. Best of luck to all of our kids!