African-American HS Class of 2021

Hey @Sirvie627, congratulations on the Tulane acceptance. Both of my kids were accepted into Tulane with great FA packages. They ended up choosing a different institution, but the campus, resources, and overall vibe was amazing. Good luck to your child’s other admissions decisions, but having Tulane “in the bag” sure takes the pressure off.


@ChangeTheGame Hey! Where did your kids end up if you don’t mind me asking?
Tulane is definitely a great option to have. He was actually prepared to go to College of Wooster on a great package. He was in the running for a full tuition scholarship. We haven’t gotten the results from the virtual competition yet, but he thought it went really well. We are heading to New Orleans in March for an admitted students event. However from everything I could see it’s a great school. Covid protocols are amazing. Looking forward to him potentially enrolling there.

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@Sirvie627, my kids both chose to attend Howard University and received full ride scholarships. I am not sure how much family legacy (they are 4th generation HBCU attendees) played in their decisions, but Tulane was near the top of both of my kids list until the end.

Their final FA offers from Tulane (61K in scholarships, need based aid, and grants for child 1 and 67K for child 2) made Tulane an affordable option. Child 2 went to BienvenueTU (the diversity fly-in for accepted students in early March 2020) and loved the city, the food, the campus and the people met during the trip. Our family visited Tulane twice and it was among my favorite campuses that I have visited.


Wow! I’ve been away for a few days and look at all the amazing results! Congratulations everyone on the acceptances. Must feel good going into the holidays with some great news!

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For new parents with students being accepted to various colleges I would highly suggest joining parent groups if the colleges have them. It was nice to hear from current parents that at this time (we know things can change at a moments notice) Johns Hopkins is planning on bringing students to campus in January. So watching that process is very interesting.

Learning a lot and the parents are so welcoming and I was also able to connect with regional families. Which is nice since daughter will be flying from California to Baltimore. Oh my. But it’s sooo exciting!


Hey friends…my son was accepted at Wooster today with a 38K Merit Scholarship. It’s the Clarence Beecher Allen Scholarship in the name of the first African American graduate. We have absolutely loved the personal attention we received from
COW. Seems like a phenomenal institution. I don’t think my son will pass on Tulane for Wooster, but it’s a wonderful and also very transparent institution to work with. Highly recommend.


My S20 and I were also very impressed by the personal attention Wooster delivered during the application process. A few schools rose to above-average in that category, but Wooster was by far the runaway winner in that department.

Good luck to you in your S21’s decision!


Hey everyone…I feel like I am flooding the thread…:weary::weary::weary::weary:
Anyway son got into Case Western Reserve with a 25K University Scholarship. I have no idea what he is going to do. Case is an easy visit for us from Pittsburgh so that will be in the works soon.


Update - son did not get into Howard, but did get into Pratt & SCAD, with Pratt being his front runner and ideal location! Significant yearly scholarship from Pratt as well - feeling blessed and grateful to finish the year with good news!!

We did a tour of SCAD this past Monday and was throughly impressed with the school and their commitment to their students’ success and connecting them with major companies during school and as alumni. Looking into their scholarships now to see if they can compete with Pratt.

Hope all had a safe and Happy Holiday!


Congratulations! That is amazing! Can you tell me how they advised him he was receiving it? We are waiting to hear back.

Thanks! He received acceptance on 12/11 and was emailed scholarship notification on 12/18. We haven’t visited the campus yet, but hope to sometime soon. Best of luck!


Wow! Congrats to him! What do you think made him stand out to receive this award?

Possibly his ECs - he has tons of community service including 2 mission trips helping the homeless. He also does suicide prevention for teens and is a founding member of the Hope Squad at his school.


Wow that’s amazing! Did he focus his essay on these activities or more on what makes him diverse?

His ECs were around 60% and diversity amounted to about 40% of his essay.

Happy New Year all! We got our financial aid package from Case and it’s PHENOMENAL. Still waiting for Northeastern and Richmond decisions and Tulane FA package.
Wait is excruciating!


If anyone here is applying to an Ivy League institution, application decisions will come out April 6 at 7pm ET, as opposed to previous years when it was on March 31. It seems that there is an increase in applications. Stanford is following suit as will probably other highly selective institutions.


Son is in at Richmond with a Presidential Scholarship. He seems very excited. He is now considering Richmond. We are much closer than Tulane so a visit should be no problem.


Congratulations! UR is a great school.

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Thanks so much.
I think Northeastern is the last piece of the puzzle that I hope we get next week.
He still has quite a few decisions out at LAC including. (Bates, Skidmore, Wesleyan, Brandeis, and Colgate)
But I think it comes down to Tulane, Case, Richmond, and Northeastern if he gets in.