African student big challenge!

<p>African student deep trouble? :(
Hello, I am an international applicant FOR FALL 2009. here is my characteristicS</p>

<p>Origin: Africa (black)
Nationality: SENEGAL ( west Africa)</p>

<p>I just took the SAT I on december 6, pfff I my first SAT ever and also the first real exam in english I have never taken. As you you guess, It was a disaster, my scores are below</p>

<p>CR 400
Math 510
Writing 470
total 1380/2400</p>

<p>The problem is that It is too late to take another SAT I because on January I plan to take 3 SAT subjects (MATH CHEMISTRY AND FRENCH) besides the IBT TOEFL in order to complete my application process-I have no choice because of the deadline. In another hand
in High school (graduated last JULY 08)</p>

<p>Average: (French system) 13.6/20 which is pretty good
Rank: 1/49 - top 5 student overall.

<p>However, about my Extracurricular, there is no big deal.
Leaded humanitarian and environmental expediation in a very poor village as the president
Math club
music-African drum
Soccer varsity</p>

<p>***Something special>>>>> I was regularly sent to my grandparent`s hometown to participate to the harvest. YES! I used to be a FARMER every school BREAK!!</p>



well, I think I’ve read that it’s a lot tougher for Internationals to begin with… unless you can write some amazing essays, I’d say Cornell, Princeton, and Columbia are very high reaches. Good luck though.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot Hum well guys by seeing your opinion I assume that I wont have any chance pfff its a pity because I think according to my high school skills, I could be able to attend those schools. My SAT scores are low very low but that by trying to score on January subject test can recover from that weakness? MY country deals with the french system and it is basically pretty hard to switch to the US educational system. I even checked into their websites but the student from french speaker African countries are few and far between.</p>

<p>I actually think he has a good chance
I am an international student myself and plenty of international students
who are not over-represented (e.g. students from south east Asia like Thai and Vietnamese, ) have gotten into top schools with SAT scores below 1800.
I think they value diversity, and they also understand that even though the student may be brilliant, he or she may not be well adapted to tests like SATs. He is ranked top 5 in his class and some solid ECs, so I think based on my previous observations and experience he will get into some top school.</p>

<p>Thank niceshrp.Do you think that if I retakethe SAT I on januaryand/or the ACT and instead cancell my SAT IIs i CAN STILL BE CONSIDERED?</p>

<p>There is no reasonable way for a top school to take you. </p>

<p>Yes, top schools may take a few URM’s with scores in the 1800 range. Your scores are another 400 points below what is already a low score. </p>

<p>Yes, you may have been at a disadvantage since you come from an international system of education. But, plenty of internationals (and plenty of African immigrants) score well on the SAT’s regardless. American freshmen have a hard enough time just transitioning from HS to college. If your excuse is that it’s harder to transition from the French to the American system, then the question becomes: What assurances does Cornell have that you won’t flunk out your first semester under an American system?</p>

<p>I think you realize that your biggest asset is your race. Heck, you even included it in your post title. However, there is a limitation to the leniency that American universities are willing to grant for the sake of diversity. For one, American universities prize African Americans the most. There are already a sizable number of successful African immigrants. Secondly, it doesn’t help diversity to have its URM students drop out of school. With a 1380 SAT score, there is zero indication you can succeed at Cornell.</p>

<p>I’m sure you can find an American university that’ll take you. But, probably not the likes of Cornell or Princeton or any school in that tier.</p>

<p>Try the ACT.</p>

<p>^what he said. try ACT</p>

<p>have to get those SAT up, with those scores even if you get in u’ll have a hard time since all the classes are in english</p>

<p>What’s the economic status of your neighborhood? Would you be able to prove that you tried to take up all the opportunities available when you aren’t in school or harvesting?
How awesome can you write an essay, 'Cause you gotta somehow show some self-worth to the school if you want to be in.</p>

<p>It’s definitely going to be tough to get in since you’re international, and international people have some roadblocks to hurdle through every time. And even if you are in, the financial aid is probably going to make you not want to attend at all.</p>

<p>But there are things you can still do. Write, write, write a great essay, something very very memorable and shows that you have some type of personal following. Get lots of great recommendations, even from an important person. And pray/wish/something.</p>

<p>Now if that doesn’t help, go into a different American college and then transfer into Cornell in Spring.</p>

<p>I don’t think you could take the ACT anymore, unless the deadline isn’t over yet.</p>

<p>thank you for your honesty! I will try the ACT! well norcalguy has been very objective.However accident does exist, that mean I am enough ready to take classes into those universities… the low score in the SAT may be one fact but do not forget that it is a one day test.everything can happen, it was also my first one and without taking any proper preparation>>>(merely a Barron book and 20 days to be ready! thats it) Ths is enough to prove that first of all I do not rely on my origin>>I AM REALISTIC AND LOYAL> and second of all I willretake it on January and try to improve it as well.</p>

<p>I say that you have zero chance. I would actually recommend that you not apply to any top 100 US school with those scores because you will not get in. Even if you do get in, will you have enough money to pay for it. First of all, among intl applicants, the SATs are far far far more important than GPA/class rank because US schools cannot trust the integrity of intl school systems. If you retake your tests, it is possible that you could get in, but if you are currently a senior, your scores would probably not arrive in time to be judged any way. In addition, cornell, and pretty much all US schools offer little to no need based aid to intl applicants. If you cannot afford the school, do not bother applying even if you think you have a chance. I believe Princeton offers need based aid to intls though, but that is the only school that I know of that offers significant need based aid to intls. I wish you the best luck, but I also think you should be realistic about your choices.</p>

<p>Your chances are really low. I mean, even if you get in, do you think you could handle the langauge barrier and workload? I mean, I wish you the best of luck, but there is always grad. school, which I think if much more int’l-friendly</p>

<p>I am! right now. I did not consider financial aid and about the payment, I am well insured. My interrogations were about my academical profile not financial! I am henceforth fixed on it.I will probably look at lower much lower us college then try a transfer…</p>

<p>Yep grantortue you`re right. Actually It is quite incredible to ensure that I will be able to support the rhythm and be adapted…However I recognize my stats can tell anything illustrating what I said. Thus I think look at a school that does not even consider SAT would be better. Right?</p>

<p>Yes, at least in theory. I am not sure what the SAT optional school’s policy is toward intl students, but I again would assume that they require them. If they do not, they will at least require the TOEFL, which you have not taken as of yet. I would say your best bet would be to apply to some state school with low SAT standards.</p>

<p>Actually I have already took the toefl paper based and 590 and I think I can do much better.So I think I will be able to find a good college which at least accept 550 on paper based:</p>

<p>I already knew that ivies require 600 at least.</p>

<p>You have an interesting life story, coupled with SAT scores that would keep you out of most all top schools. The solution–apply to SAT optional schools (Bowdoin, Wake Forest, etc)</p>

<p>unhum I understand that indeed… I want to henceforth widely change change my college list…</p>

<p>Or I guess you could just get rejected everywhere?</p>

<p>In fact, a better SAT Is score could improve my chances to get in a good college. So I think I will retake the the SAT I january…bY THE WAY, DO YOU KNOW A TOP COLLEGE THAT DOES ACCEPT FEBRUARY ACT???</p>