AFROTC Chances

What do you think my chances are at getting the Type 1 scholarship this year? I’m a high school senior. First pick for major is general studies (specifically nutrition and dietetics or public health), second is biochemistry, third is biochemical engineering. 4.0 unweighted GPA, 4.39 weighted, 32 ACT (not superscored), in Civil Air Patrol for one year and led Great Start, section leader of marching band for two years, some volunteer service, and graduating from high school in 3 years instead of 4. Didn’t pass PT yet, but training. Do have to go through the medical waiver process.

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Any AFROTC scholarship is competitive. The AF is looking for STEM majors. Good luck!

Your stats and experience are exceptional! Aim for 90+ minimum on your PT test. The interview is the biggest piece of the pie, so research job interview tutorials and plan some responses detailing your leadership experiences. Technical (aka highly-desired majors) have an edge in the selection process and AFAIK general studies does not count as one - not to pressure you into picking a technical major, it’s just a heads-up.

They’ve recently made HSSP scholarships more difficult to get than in-college ones, so use that as a fuel to drive you on your push-ups & sit-ups, run, and especially interview prep. You’re on the right track.

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