After admission

Hey guys! New user here! I’m a current 8th grader who just got accepted into Phillips Exeter Academy. Woohoo! Anyway, I would love some insight on how life will be like at prep school. Some advice from any students who are attending Exeter/any prep school or have graduated Exeter/any prep school would be extremely helpful, although I would appreciate anybody’s help. Some question I have are:

What will everyday life be like at Exeter/prep school?
What will the homework load and academic pressure be like?
How long will it generally take to adjust to boarding life?
What are some tips to help get used to life at boarding school?

Thank you for your help!

Welcome to the forum, @honeyblues! You will find a wealth of information here. To start, try using the search tool and read past/recent threads – on BS in general, and Exeter specifically. Your questions have been asked and answered many times! Congrats on becoming an Exonian! :slight_smile: