After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Why not let him log in to see the “whoop you’ve been admitted?”

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I need the letter! :rofl:

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Just for apply Texas, we had to use my email because his account wasn’t working right that night so he hasn’t even been checking or worrying yet so I’m gonna do my best with this. I’m horrible at secrets so I just gave my husband one of his Christmas presents so I could have less secrets. :rofl::joy:

Print the letter from AIS? The banner and letter will still come in the mail, but you can print it for him to hold and read before then. It took 2 weeks for it to come via USPS for my daughter.

2 weeks

@mamasev I’ll say this with all sincerity, your son needs to be checking Howdy, AIS…it is his college journey. Once he’s an admitted student, all communication goes to him, it is his Howdy portal-HUGE NO NO for parents to ever log on. In fact, if the system suspects more than 1 person is logging on, it’ll shut down his Howdy. Let him get into the habit now.
If he plans to live on campus, he needs to pay Housing deposit asap, like Right Now. Every day you wait puts him farther down the dorm selection time in late spring.
Banner takes 1-2 weeks.

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Hi. We are confused here because my son picked Engineering LLC for his Phase 2 housing preference. He just received an email confirming his spot reserved in the “Honors LLC” pending his acceptance in the Honors College after applying. But he was never planning on applying to the Honors College and he had chosen the Engineering LLC. I just double checked and he indeed did pick Engineering LLC. Now we are worried because since we thought it didn’t matter when he did Phase 2, he waited a couple of weeks after his scheduled time and wondering if he can’t get into Engineering LLC now became it may be full. And why would they automatically reserve a spot for him in Honors LLC if he’s not applying to Honors College. Has anyone had this situation happen before?

My daughter did Housing Phase 2 in early October, and selected the Engineering Village LLC. In early November, she got an email confirming that she has a spot reserved for her in the Engineering LLC. Then in early December, she got an identical confirmation email again, verbatim. Haha. The system might be a little bonkers. We just let it go since it wasn’t wrong in our case.

@aalv, you can probably get it cleared up by emailing the ResLife Program Manager whose contact info is in that confirmation email. My daughter had questions about the Engineering LLC early on (difference between Women in Engineering LLC and General Engineering LLC), and she got a helpful response from her.

EDIT: Update us on what you find out. If it indeed filled up, it’d be good for future applicants to know that Phase 2 timing (for Engineering LLC) is important.


@aalv contact ResLife in the morning.

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Same here on the duplicate email. We just ignored it.

He absolutely checks all of his schools that he’s applied to just not nearly as much as I do. I already paid the housing deposit.

I’m not gonna print out the letter from the portal because I want him to have the whole experience. If he happens to see it in howdy, it is what it is but I’m hoping he’s too busy before the Christmas break to check. Fingers crossed that it comes soon!

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Update: My son sent an email to them last night. I just called and they said they see him listed for the Engineering LLC @ the commons so the email about him choosing Honors LLC may have been a mistake. Or I’m thinking maybe they corrected it before I called? Anyways, it looks like it is worked out. :+1:


Hi. I’m new to posting here, but have been reading for a while. My son is an OOS Engineering major that was accepted in October. He’s also a National Merit Semifinalist. I was wondering if any of the NMSF on this board have heard anything about the Craig and Galen Brown Foundation scholarship process? I’ve read all the past threads about it on here and I understand the general process and how competitive it is, so we have no expectations. I was just wondering if anyone has had interviews yet or knows where the foundation is in the process? My son was contacted before Thanksgiving to supply recommendations and PSAT results, but he hasn’t heard anything since, so I am wondering if he wasn’t chosen for an interview or if it’s just too soon. Thanks for any info!

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I’ve heard the same as you. We were contacted before Thanksgiving for additional information, but I haven’t seen any mention of interviews yet anywhere. I know a couple of other NMSF families, and they haven’t heard anything either. I’ve been checking here and reddit and FB groups because people usually start mentioning being contacted for interviews about this time each year, but so far your post is the first I’ve seen. Good luck!


it looks like they have been updating their Brown Foundation website as well as the info about it on the TAMU scholarship page. The info now says they review them after December 15 and those moving forward will get an email in mid-December. My daughter has not heard anything yet, either, but is hopeful.


That’s good to hear! Good luck to you too!

Thanks for the information! I hadn’t checked lately to see those dates. That’s encouraging. Good luck to your daughter!

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Those dates and some of that information is definitely new-ish. My daughter noticed it earlier this week. The Brown Foundation website has been updated and looks great, too. Best of luck to all of the prospective scholars - what an outstanding opportunity this is!

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DS admitted Dec. 3 and got big envelope in the mail today.


They seem to be sending them out much quicker now! My daughter’s friend got the 7 tabs on 12/3 and got the envelope and banner earlier this week.