After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!



It came!!!



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Dorm selection questions. My daughter was accepted 12/3 as a private/homeschool student. We paid deposit immediately and are waiting for Phase 2 next week. I understand Phase 2 doesn’t really mean much. My question, is she still early enough in the selection process to get into a Northside Modular or will those spots already be taken up by top 10 students who were notified earlier? What’s the phase 3 process timeframe, and how quickly does it happen (days, weeks, months - from 1st to last); if you’re accepted in December how long do you wait behind those who were accepted in October? Just trying to judge if she’ll get in one of the dorms she prefers or if we should be looking at alternatives.

@Kimvogel last year Hullabaloo and Northside Modulars filled up first, within 3 days. Your daughter ‘could’ still get in, 2 ways:

*match with a roommate who has a much higher selection time (as in, got accepted mid September)
*hope to snag an open bed/be willing to not know the roommate already in the other bed

This year is just so different from prior years, in terms of timelines, acceptances, etc. A December acceptance this year, I think, still puts you slightly ahead of those who got December acceptances in prior years. But it won’t get you a Northside Modular, unless you get in one of two ways posted above.

Phase 3 is matching with roomies. It doesn’t happen for awhile. The actual dorm selection times will be posted in mid April, and dorm selection starts late April-goes thru mid May. And you are correct, Phase 2 is completely pointless, serves no purpose.

Good news is, once everyone gets their dorm, moves in, I honestly don’t ever hear anyone complain about their dorm (except for Dunn, aka ‘Dirty Dunn’. It really is a DUMP).

Your daughter may want to research the various LLCs, several/many of them are housed in the Northside Modulars, and that is a way to ensure a bed in Northside Modulars. Of course, depends on if any fit her interests. On the website it tells you which dorm each LLC is affiliated with.

@Kimvogel your daughter is Engineering? If so, Eng LLC is Southside. Personally, my Aggie wanted nothing to do with an LLC or honors dorm, she wanted a ‘normal’ dorm, where she could meet friends in all majors. She chose Hullabaloo and loved every minute of it. Her dad was a Northside guy, so she only wanted Northside as well.
Chose Southside or Northside, take a Housing tour over Christmas break, and make a Top 10 dorm list from there.

I really don’t know much about A&M campus. I’ve only been there once. What is the vibe of north side and south side. Also north side is hullabaloo side and south side is the commons correct?

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A friend’s daughter is in Hullabaloo and loves it, but I just don’t think we’re early enough in line to even consider it. My daughter will be in Engineering and plans to apply for engineering honors, but not LLC. My top pick would be Hullabaloo because I remember hauling stuff up four flights of stairs when my oldest daughter attend (class of 2010). Having an elevator on move in day would be heavenly for this old momma. :joy: After visiting and talking to several friends, she thinks she prefers modular and her sister has convinced her she wants north side. I was just trying to get a realistic view on what her chances are. I just don’t remember things being this competitive or stressful 16 years ago. Thanks for your feedback, at least we can know what to expect.

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For housing I wish wish wish y’all would listen to me. IT Always works out. Everyone stresses about this every year. And every year I say, don’t worry about it. It’ll work out. Have your top 3 dorms in mind. Find a good roomie and just let it happen. The only thing you can control is knowing what’s out there and to see what you want, what you can live with and then worst case scenario (which doesn’t happen).

No one ever gets back on here to complain about housing. North side/south side/west side
 they all have pros and cons. And remember
 it’s okay for our kids to be uncomfortable. In fact, I highly suggest it lol.


@Belk i didn’t go to A&M. My Aggie wanted Northside because that’s where her dad lived (and she was Mays, so it was walkable).
Southside has the Corps dorms, Commons is the cafeteria. Northside has Sbisa. Both have Modulars. Students from EVERY major live in every dorm. And don’t forget White Creek, on West Campus.
Yes, @Kimvogel you are correct, only Hullabaloo on Main Campus has elevators! White Creek does, too.
Agree with @ChristiR93, the only gripes and complaints you hear during the school year are the occasional fire alarm pulling in the middle of the night, moans about “I didn’t know the dorm didn’t have an elevator!” during move-in and Dunn not being renovated. Other than that, dorms are rarely, if ever, mentioned.
Decided on Northside, Southside or White Creek, look at ResLife website, take an in person tour if possible and be well prepared when it is your students dorm selection day.
Dorms are a right of passage (I think!), firm believer in living on campus as a freshman. It always works out.


Hi, I did the phase I housing application with my son and I don’t recall there being mention of an email that a parent is supposed to get in order to sign something. My son is already 18. Maybe that’s why I did not get an email??

Make make sure he got confirmation that phase 2 is next
if not, y’all didn’t complete it.

Hi, I did the phase I housing application with my son and I don’t recall there being mention of an email that a parent is supposed to get in order to sign something. My son is already 18. Maybe that’s why I did not get an email??

This is a screenshot of where it says we are done with phase 1. Think we are ok?


Yes! That’s confirmation and it gives you a date that Phase 2 opens. You’re good :heavy_check_mark:
Phase 2 is pointless, truly doesn’t mean a thing what is listed/ranked. It all boils down to time stamp Housing deposit was paid, and what beds are available in late spring when it is your assigned selection time. Don’t over think it, or spend much time on Phase 2. Promise!

Thank you so much!!! He is my first to go to college so I’m extra nervous. I appreciate the advice!


You’re doing great! What’s his major?


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Be sure to join the Engineering Parents Page, it’ll be a wealth of info! Engineering can be a beast, every hint and tip you can get from successful, experienced parents will help!